3. Real

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Charlie was riding in Nick Nelson's car. 'I can't believe it!', Charlie squealed in his inner thoughts. But all that ended when they finally got to his house. The cutest dog came up to Charlie and and started barking. He bent down to pet it. It was so hyper for some reason. Twirling and wagging it's tail.

"This is Nellie" Nick pointed leaning against the wall smirking.

"Oh my god she's so adorable!" I said in 'awe'. Nick look at how adorable Charlie looked memorized by Nick's dog.

Suddenly Charlie's being shoved out of the way by the one and only Tao Xu and Isaac Henderson as they literally barged into Nick's house like they owned it, well the door was wide open but still.

"Charlie move, bitch! Omg she's so cute!" Tao screamed as they started petting Nellie aggressively as she panted.

"I'm in love!" Isaac squealed. Nick just stood there and gave them an awkward chuckle.


They all started playing Mario Cart after playing with Nellie for a few. Obviously Charlie was winning, no one could beat him even if they tried.

"Oh my god! Is he really this good how many times have y'all won against him?!" Nick confusingly asked surprised.

"Well... um zero." Tao said.

"I don't think anyone has ever beaten me if I'm being honest." Charlie said proudly.


They all decided to go to the park, Tao and Isaac agreed mostly to play with Nellie. Well Charlie? Mostly to hang out with Nick. Tao and Isaac were playing with Nellie as Nick and Charlie were sitting on the bench chatting. Nick never stopped thinking about the scene with Ben and Charlie that literally happened right in front of him. It's traumatizing.

"Hey, um...Charlie?" Nick started. Charlie turned his head to look at Nick.

"Yea?" Charlie asked, nervous about what Nick's going to say.

"I want to talk about what happened. You know... with Ben"  Charlie looked down PTSD getting the best of him. Millions of flashbacks from that day. Charlie didn't even know Nick that well, and he's supposed to share his whole story. Charlie wavered before blurted,

"He's my boyfriend- well ex boyfriend now." Charlie began. To be honest, Nick didn't think he was actually going to open up to him. Still, he sat there listening to every word.

"It started September... he just came up to me one day and introduced himself and then we kissed. I thought he was really attractive so I didn't mind." Charlie took a deep breath then he continued. Nick's look being worried.

"It was great at first, but then he started treating me like shit. Then one day I caught him literally making out with a girl. I went to go tell him that we needed to break up but I guess that didn't go well, ha, ha." Charlie explained then he looked up at Nick as his eyes started to tear up.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this Bens your friend and I probably scared you off with my ridiculous story-

"Hey!" Nick cut off his rambling by placing my hand on top of his slightly squeezing it. Charlie was too focused on the fact Nick was actually holding his hand. Charlie's heart rate picked up.

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