Chapter 19: Innocent

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We boarded on the service car with Mr. Jackson back to the hotel where we are staying. I felt the awkwardness inside the van while I was just looking out the window, as well as Mr. Jackson. We were in the same seat but he was far away from me and he was also looking in the other direction of the window. It's still fresh in my mind that I'm the secret girlfriend of one of the most famous celebrities in the world.

I sigh.

Everything is running through my mind as I looked out the window and observed the streets of Paris. I don't know what will happen to this relationship but I'll take the risk.

I know everything happens for a reason.

"We are here Mr. Jackson" said Sir Bill and he stopped the Van, there were many people waiting outside for Mr. Jackson.

"That's fine, I'll go, I want to see my fans. There are many security personnel outside so I'll be fine." said Mr. Jackson while looking at his fans outside waiting for him.

The guards opened the door for him from outside and his fans cheered. He waved at them and he signed their albums and posters Sir Bill and I also got off the van and we were just behind Mr. Jackson.

"He has a lot of fans, right? His fans loved him very much because of his incredible talent." Sir Bill whispered to me. I smiled at him and nodded.

"That is why he is known as the "King of Pop." then I giggled.

"The media destroys him but I know that he will not be destroyed in the eyes of his fans. They know the real Mr. Jackson." - Sir Bill.

"Destroy him? In what way?"

"Oh, so you don't know about those accusations about him?"


"I see. You are not a fan and you don't watch the news haha."

"Hmm, sorry Bill."

We entered the hotel after Mr. Jackson interacted to his fans.

I was curious about what Bill was telling me. Since I came here to the US, I haven't been able to watch TV, and my ate cha didn't turn on the TV in the quarters.


We are now inside the hotel room of Mr. Jackson and he showered in the bathroom. I was in the living room while I was folding my clothes and putting them in the suitcase. I saw that there was a TV there so I turned it on, because it was quite quiet in the room.

"Evan Chandler, a Los Angeles-based dentist and screenwriter, accused Michael Jackson of sexually abusing Chandler's 13-year-old son, Jordan. After renting a car from Jordan's stepfather, Jackson became friends with him. Although Evan Chandler first encouraged the friendship, he subsequently addressed his ex-wife, who had custody of Jordan, with worries that the relationship was wrong. etc.."

I suddenly turned off the TV when I heard it. Is this what Sir Bill is saying? I never thought that would appear on the flash news.

Child abuse? I don't think he can do that, I know his intentions are pure for the children who go to neverland and I can see that.

"Why did you turn off the television?" I was surprised when someone spoke from behind me. I looked at him and saw him wearing red long sleeves and a blue pajama while wiping his hair with a towel.

He doesn't have make up on now and.. he looks better when he doesn't have it on.

"Wendy?" Now he is close to me and he also sits on the couch.

WENDY in NEVERLAND (ENGLISH VER) MJJ fanfiction  /EDITINGandONGOING/Where stories live. Discover now