Chapter 10: Closed

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I got dressed in a t-shirt and pajamas to sleep. It was 10 pm when I looked at the clock on my side table. I just stared at the ceiling of the quarters, while I heard the snores of my companions. I tried different positions but I couldn't really sleep.

"Are they sleeping next to each other now?"

I whispered to myself. Aissh what the hell Wendy, don't think about that!

Erase that.. this brain is annoying 😑

Ugh~ I need to go outside, I might need a fresh air... That's right Wendy.


First, I went out of the quarters and looked for a place to hang out here at the ranch. I saw a wooden chair and table just in front of the main house, I sat there and watched the sky. Full moon today and lots of stars. I missed Dad a lot. I know he's in heaven and he's watching me now. I smiled so Dad could see that I was okay and that I was happy. Suddenly there was a gentle wind and it was very cold. It feels like dad hugged me.

"Why are you still awake Earlybird?" Someone spoke from behind me.

Oh my god.

"Uhh, M-Mr. Jackson!" I stood up from my seat and smiled at him.

"It's already 10 pm.. you have to rest."

I sat down on the wooden chair again and looked at the moon.

"I can't sleep Mr. Jackson." that's all I answered him. I avoid looking at his eyes because it's like a magnet and I promised myself that I won't fall for him.

I also felt that he sit there on another wooden chair. He was wearing a white t-shirt and blue pajamas, then he was wearing a black bathrobe. His curly hair is not tied. I was nervous, what if Maam Lisa saw us here, what would that girl think of this.

"Here..." He put a box of milk on the table and it had a straw.

"It's milk. I guess it can help you sleep well." He said.

I just stared at the box of milk, I remembered the day he gave me a cereal, and now, it's milk. I looked at him and he was drinking his milk, the straw was in his mouth. He really enjoyed sucking the straw, he was like a child. I took the milk and put the straw in it and drank it too. The milk is a bit cold and maybe it's from the fridge, which means he already knew I was here?

"Tha-thank you Mr. Jackson.."

"Yeah, you're welcome.."

I drank the milk again, it was a bit awkward because we were silent but I don't know, I was so happy to be with him again, just the two of us.

"Mr. Jackson"

We called each other at the same time. We both laughed.

"Uhmm, you go first Mr. Jackson." I told him as I laughed.

"No, I'm a gentleman, so, ladies first."

I can't do anything, so I went first. Ladies first is an old fashioned.

"Where is.. your.. g-girlfriend? Where is.. Maam Lisa?" I bowed my head while I asked him that.

Why am i asking that question. i am so stupid.

"She's sleeping." He answered with a cold tone.

"In your room?". Wtf?! Why did I ask? Yes, your brain is annoying wendy😑

"Yeah, she is sleeping in my room, but.. we don't share a bed. I sleep on the couch." Then he drank his milk again.

I just bowed my head from shame, but even if they are not sleeping in the same bed, it still hurts to hear the fact that they are in the same room together.

WENDY in NEVERLAND (ENGLISH VER) MJJ fanfiction  /EDITINGandONGOING/Where stories live. Discover now