Chapter 2: Peter Pan

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"Wake up my dear wendy!"

I opened my eyes, after almost a day's flight I was here. Dad woke me up from the dream. Louie was right, Dad was guiding me up to this point.

Little by little, people are getting off the plane and so am I. I took my luggage and just followed the passengers getting off.

I felt the cold wind hit my face. Mom is right, it's cold here in America, it's different in the Philippines where it's very hot in the summer. Fortunately, I'm wearing the jacket that mom sent me.

While I was carrying my luggage and walking through LAX airport, I couldn't help but be amazed at the beauty and cleanliness of their airport. I also see a lot of different races, maybe some are just on vacation and others go for their work.

I can't believe I'm in America, I'm so happy that my dream of following Uncle here has come true, and my promise to Dad that I'll be here when the time comes.

Dad, I'm here. (●♡∀♡)

In the distance, I saw some people waving at me and they were carrying a big illustration board with "Wendy Lopez" written on it. I smiled and ran towards them.

Uncle Gian and my cousins!

"Waaaaaa Uncleee!!!!" I excitedly greeted them. Uncle hugged me.

"Wow Wendy! I'm haply that finally, you're here! So, this is your cousins, Joan and Nix, they're excited to meet you in person." - Uncle Gian

"Hi Wendy! I am Joan" Uncle's daughter waved at me. She seems shy.

"Hello Wends, I am Nix, nice to meet you. Welcome to L.A!"

"Nice to meet you guys, my cousins ​​are so beautiful and handsome."

"Of course, I am the father?!" Uncle Gian said proudly.

"Eyy~ that's why I idolize you, uncle." I joked with Uncle and hit his arm a little.

"Uncle, where is Auntie Mairiz? Why aren't you with her?"

"No, she's at work, I'm on my leave so I can take care of you, I promised to your mother that when you get here, I'll help you." Uncle explained.

While uncle and I were talking, someone called his phone.

"Hang on Wendy, I'll just answer it. Joan, Nix wait for me here, okay?"

"Okay daddy" answered the 2 children at the same time.

While Uncle was talking to someone, I talked to my cousins. I'm sure they are shy. I sat on a bench at the airport.

"Joan, Nix, can you speak Filipino?" Hey, it's hard. I'm not good at English.

"A bit, but Dad told me that I must learn how to speak that language, because I am a Filipino by blood."-Joan

"Yeah, he always teaches us Filipino words at home. It sucks because its hard to pronounce those words, all I know is "Ate, Kuya, Salamat and mahal kita", thats all!" - said Nix as he frowned.

"Its not hard to learn Filipino language guys. If you have the heart of being a true Filipino, you can learn it by your heart. Your heart will speak for it." I said.

"Hell yeah, I hope so." Joan answered me.

The three of us turned around when we saw Uncle Gian running towards us.

"Hey Wendy, did you get a good rest on the plane? Well... the agency that hired you called me, they said it's urgent, they need to interview you later, is that okay with you? I'm sorry, I know you haven't yet enjoyi--"

WENDY in NEVERLAND (ENGLISH VER) MJJ fanfiction  /EDITINGandONGOING/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora