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Dear diary

2) really tho
3) church pet peeve
Hi people... It's been so long right? I'm REALLY sorry. I was grounded from my phone and I couldn't ever find the time to update and I'm really sorry. Please forgive me... I haven't been updating anything else either so don't think you've been missing out. I'm sorry ily.

Isn't it the 3rd week of summer? Oh okay... I've gotten hurt twice already and they were/are serious injuries.
First- I was playing with some boys and water guns (never a good idea) and I was the only girl. We were BOSS at water guns. There were about 4 teams and all of them were jealous of us. We were kinda rude because we didn't form alliances, we had the best guns and we had background music!!! WE HAD. BACKGROUND. MUSIC. We played dubstep (my favorite- call 911- look it up on YouTube) it was great... Until one team got mad. There was one team and one person on that team who always went for me. He hit me with HIS WATER GUN. Not the water! The gun itself. In. My. Face. Let's rephrase- he hit me with a 3 foot water gun in my left eye and knocked me out. Yeah. I was knocked out for about a minute and didn't realize that. When I did wake up, everyone was crowded around me and I said there was something in my eye but I'd be fine. I stopped playing and the boy ran away. I went to the ER that night and there was a piece of plastic in my eye. He gave me a black eye and when I look through my left eye, it's really blurry. Thanks a lot.
I also got hurt another way. It was 2 days ago. I strained and sprained my ankle (Lol). No Becky please. So.... I went to a church camp and there was this thing called the zombie run. Basically, we got left in the woods at 10:30 at night and there were people who hid and jumped out and tried to catch you.
I was running from one of these 'zombies' and there was a rock path that was 1 foot long. I jumped over it and my foot bent upwards and I landed on it like that. To make matters worse, I landed on a rock. To make matters even worse, I WASNT WEARING ANY SHOES. It hurt so much and I fell to the ground. The zombie thought I was faking if I guess and left me. Jerk. I got up and went back to my dorm because the game was over. I told someone and we went to the nurse. We went in a golf cart and the nurse helped me and all and told me that it was strained/sprained. Ugh. Zombies are jerks. AND ITS THE THIRD WEEK OF SUMMER.

I go to church every Sunday and there are just something's that annoy me.
1) the people who sing
Ok this one is kinda hard to explain.... Not really. There are a lot of people in our church and some of them are HORRIBLE at singing. Not the people who are on stage but the ones who are in the audience and they are the loudest people you can hear. No. Just.... No.

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