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Dear diary,

Hello, yesterday, i redecorated my room. I'd like to tell you something else, though.
Summer- a time for tanning and tan lines, right? Yeah, I agree. So, I'm going to come out and say that I am the whitest Spanish person you've ever seen. I also always wear a bracelet on my right wrist. What happened? You may ask, well, I went to the pool with a pal (XD) and we were there for about 4 hours. I keep this bracelet on all the time (I haven't taken it off in about a year) and I wasn't planning on taking it off. Well, I got a tan and so did my right wrist.
As you can see above, I got a bracelet tan line. Yeah. I didn't even know that could happen. But I guess it can...? Pretty weird, huh? Any who, I'm hoping that this book will become very popular, I'm going to be updating daily!

Dear Diary (slow updates)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora