🦎Blitzø (Tokay gecko) part: 2🐴

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○ Bring Blitzø home from the shelter was probably one loud car ride. The whole way home Blitzø would make happy gecko sounds and bounce off the walls of his carrier.

○ Once home you bring Blitzø to your spare room where you have a nice big terrarium full of new logs and branches, a nice watering bowl, and some food. Aside from that the room had a guest bed and a desk.

○ The rest of the day went pretty easy with you and Blitzø keeping each other company. The whole day he rode on your shoulder not leaving your side. Which is ironic since he hates clingy people.

○ Once it was night time though. Oh boy was it rough. Bringing Blitzø to the cage and getting him in was easy, and the first 2 hours were nice a quiet. At some point, he must have gotten lonely and started making distressed noises causing you to get up thinking there was an emergency.

"What's wrong baby?" you ask opening the lid and letting him climb up your hand and arm. Too tired to fling out you walk to the living room and turn on some random cartoon about magical horses to keep you awake.

Half way through you end up falling asleep though, but Blitzø was invested in the show. At some point, with the eventful day and your body warmth, Blitzø curls up into a ball and go to sleep on your shoulder snuggling into your neck safe and happy

○ That is how it was for a while you would head off to work, get back, take Blitzø out of his cage, have him "help" make dinner, both eat together, work a bit with him moving around the house, and then you go to sleep only for him to wake you up and you both falling asleep in the couch to My Little Pony playing.

○ After a week you realized how unhealthy this nightly pattern was. So you start by moving Blitzø's terrarium to your room that way he won't get lonely, and you can get better sleep. Which it worked, and now you both watch My Little Pony when you have dinner.

○ During the spand of finishing dinner and before bed he'll do laps around the house and always makes sure to check in you every time to see if your safe.

○ One time Blitzø snuck into your work bag when you weren't looking and once you got there it was too late to go home so he just sat on your shoulder the whole day hissing at any other worker that got too close to you.

○ (b/f/n) would sometimes come over and even though Blitzø still doesn't like people he can make an exception. (especially after they left one of their adult magazines at your place and he got to see some of it when you weren't looking)

○ One time (b/f/n) got him a MLP toy as a joke and put it in his cage when they came over. Later when you tried to take it out he climbed in it and hissed at you. Afterwards it just stayed in there and you got him one more.

○ Hates Paige. Sometimes you have to bring him into work either for an emergency or a vet visit. One time while Blitzø was getting a check-up, you were looking at some dogs when Paige came over and just started to belittle you for taking the day off saying it was "unprofessional" . Blitzø saw the whole interaction through the window in the vets office and was pissed. Later that day when you were leaving he hissed at Paige and vowed to get his revange.

○ Now we love Blitzø, but he can still be a bit of a creep sometimes he'll just stare at you whether your doing some work, or your cooking. He'll just find a spot on the wall and stare at you while making quite happy gecko noises.

○ One time he snuck in while you were in the bathroom and just hung on the wall waiting for you to finish. Safe to say you got startled. One time he was hanging in the wall right above where you sleep and just stared at you. (you would never know that though)

○ Not very good at learning tricks. You tried really, but he just isn't good. One trick he can do though is hanging inside down on the ceiling and just fall on to your head or shoulder. 

○ Imaging doing some paper work and you feel something hit your head only for Blitzø's face to take up your view with a smile and happy noises. Or greeting your guest and while you hold the door he just drops down scarring them. Safe to say they now look up at your ceiling a lot.

○ Great at killing flies and ants. Need help for getting rid of a pest? He's on it. Scared of a spider in the wall? Just call out for him and Blitzø is rushing in ready to kill it. Best killer lizard out there.

○ When confronted with a bigger insect or animal (like mice) he will puff up his chest and use his tail to make him seem bigger to scare them off, and if it doesn't work he will attack. Sometimes he'll do this with humans as well, forgetting the size difference.

○ Life was good you both soon fell into a pattern of things and he was like a mini guard dog, but just a lizard.

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