🐍Verosika Mayday (Boa Sigma)🎤

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○ Verosika is a Boa Sigma also called a Mexican Western Coast Boa Constrictor. She, however is albino and instead of being a yellow-ish color she was pink. With gold eyes that have a faint rose gold ring around the slit pupil and a few heart shaped scale patterns that adorn her back. Has a small black heart under her right eye. She's not the biggest snake you've seen, but she's not small either.

○ After a while at being at the shelter and dealing with rehab she was more full of color and energy. Sometimes she still refuses to eat, but after a bit of persuasion, she'll cave and eat more.

○ W-h-o-r-e. This girl is quick to go up to the front of the cage and show off her back and scales to families and people passing by. Never hides and is always out in the open showing off. If someone wants to pet or hold her she's quick to wrap around them and slither around before they either buy her, get uncomfortable, or remember their scared of snakes.

○ Sadly every time a new person takes her they don't know how to properly take care of her or don't have the time for her clinginess. Meaning she is contently returned back to the shelter and every time that happens she refuses to eat for a bit.

○ Every time this happens your always the first one to try and do something to help deal with her eating disorder. You're the one who portions her food and make sure she has enough and notice if she not eating.

○ You can tell she's hungry if she gets clingy and gets close to the window of her cage trying to show off her scales. This leads you to believing that her last owner would only giving her food if she did good for a photo or video and that's why she was so underfeed.

○ It also left you to believe that Verosika's owner would keep her underfeed so she would be skinny and not grow to the full length that a normal Boa should be growing.

○ After a bit of scrolling you found the owners TikTok and your suspicions were confirmed. Turns out the owner would take so many selfies and videos with Verosika being in them. Sadly she also thought she could sing and would use Verosika in her music videos. He owner would also have a couple of meets and would just let people manhandle her.

○ After a while of her coming in and out you finally pulled the trigger and brought her home with you. Don't know if it was pity or what, but you bought her items for your home. That includes a new cage, a soft fluffy light pink bed, and a cute feeding and water bowl with pink hearts and black x's and o's.

○ "I'm back!" you call out carrying the big container over to the guest bedroom. Placing everything down and in place, you take Verosika out as she wraps around your arm. Walking into the living room you grab your pet's attention. Most stared at her with awe, all except Blitzø. You slowly feel her grip get tighter on you, so you gently remove her before placing her on the floor. That night Blitzø refused to leave your shoulder constantly staying in there and watching Veronika and she slightly tormented your other pets.

○ On to headcanons! She's a girly girl, along with Stella, she likes to have a manicure days where you have to rub special oils on her scales and let her rest in a warm bath to help control her temperature and shed. Likes it when you wrap a silk bow around her neck at the end of the day.

○ As mentioned before she's clingy, it does very well again if she's hungry she practically wraps the completely around you until you feed her. Aside from food though she's just a clingy pet. If your sitting down on the couch or at your desk she'll slither over and slide under your shirt while poking her head out a bit.

○ Girl has a heating lamp, but she prefers to take your body heat.

○ A bit of a pervert. She'll sneak around while you're changing or she'll crawl on you and rest her head on your chest. No shame here. Wraps around your legs and arms, but if you show discomfort she'll move. Will hide under your bed covers to warm up and smell your scent and then sneak out as you start to get ready for bed.

○ Loathes Blitzø. You've caught her a couple of times trying to eat or straggle him, which ends up with you having to rush in and scope him up. Turns out Verosika's old owner used to own Blitzø for a small amount of time too, but someone sewed her for him and she lost a lot of money.

○ Verosika's gets pissed at the thought that while her owner was forcing her to work harder to get all of that money back he was over here living with you. It's not fair in her head and she's still pretty heart broken about him leaving her with such a trashy human.

○ Judges your pets when they go and hunt mice and insects in your apartment. She doesn't like that there are bugs in the first place, but she views your other pets as idiots and thinks that killing a mouse will make you love them more.

○ Torments the fuck out of Moxxie. He's just so small and weak in her eyes so she's quick to wrap around him and slowly squeeze before letting go and slithering away. Other times she'll randomly show him her sharp teeth. 

○ Her relationship with the owls is pretty neutral. Tends to just ignore them and waits for you to come back. Octavia has seen her in a couple of videos through other neighbors windows and is a bit of a fan, but she's too scared and shy to be in the same room as her without you. Stolas just doesn't care and views her as spoiled. Stella gets along better with Verosika than any of your other pets because they both bond over their hatred toward Blitzø.

○ Her favorite music is early 2000-2010 music (aka white girl music) and Nicki Minaj or Ariana Grande. Sometimes you'll just play some songs while she dances, wiggles, and slithers and you (badly) sing along. Appreciate your lack of perfection when it comes to dancing and singing, you just let her be her.

○ If you have guests over she'll be all over them trying to get them to pet her back. After a while though she gets bored and slither away or over to you. Sometimes she avoids people for fun to see their hurt face after you say she loves everyone. Doesn't mind sharing attention with guest to your other pets since she knows she's more rare than they are anyway.

○ Probably has an underlying fear that you're going to leave her like the other who had adopted her before. When this happens she'll pull back and keep some distance, cause in her head if she pulls back first then it won't hurt her as much when you return her back to the shelter.

○ Funny enough the first time she did this you thought she was sick since it was out of her behavior and you couldn't find out what was wrong so you though it was an internal issue. So you rushed her to the vet for a check-up. Throughout the wait, she could see you sending nervous glances at her. In the end, the vet said she was fine. Once out of the vet office, you hug her tank before heading back home.

○ Verosika likes to eat her meals alive, which can gross some of your other pets out. Since you have to keep live food for her sometimes you give an extra mouse or three to the owls. However, she likes to eat some fruit to satisfy her sweet tooth cravings. Loves cherries the most.

○ Joking you put a pair of pink glasses with hearts in the middle on her face and took a quick selfie while wearing your own pair. Afterwards you showed her the photo and cooed at how cute she looked. Now when she has a spa day and is chilling in the bath she likes to have the shades on.

○ If you have a social media account where you post about you life and pets don't post about her for awhile. Most of her life she was posted and abused and now has to deal with an on and off eating disorder. After a while though she'll start to crave the cameras attention. Once that happens you can post about her all you want. She even might sneak into a couple of photos.

○ Will sometimes read the comments with you if you have a habit of doing that and hiss at any of the mean and stupid ones. If one of them makes you cry though she'll nuzzle into your face. 

○ Even if you don't have social media and instead like to just take photos she'll love that too, and to just look though them with you before you go and get them printed out. Since she has so many photos girl is going to have her own photo album/box.

○ Games nights can be a little rough. If she wins then for the next two days she'll act like she on top of the world. But if she losses then she'll act like a brat for the next few days and hiss at any of the pets that was on the opposing team. Even you. She's a petty bitch.

○ Happy to have you as her owner, even if she sometimes questions why you still keep Blitzø around. Will try to eat more for you and will be there to hug and wrap around you. Even if she's a bit of a pervert.

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