🐾Owl Family🐾

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A couple of weeks have passed since you got Moxxie and Millie. All of your pets seemed to have fallen into a routine with each other and you. That was till a family of owls moved into the tree next to your balcony. The family consisted of a grey barn owl and what seemed to be a snow owl. Which was weird and concerning for the foreign creature's safety.

At some point of their being there, it seemed they both had a new chick in the nest. Only one and it had taken after its father is a barn owl. Speaking of the father he seemed to have gotten close to Blitzø going to the window and just staring at him. Something was going on between the two and you just didn't know until one day.

"I'm back!" you call out closing the door before hanging up your coat. Moxxie was quick to rush to the front door to greet you barking and running around you. "Hey baby," you say pick up the small dog and placing kisses all over his head. Putting him back down you slide off your shoes and head to the kitchen.

"Hey Loona," you whisper petting the sleeping dog before catching Millie as she jumps up into your arms. "And hello to you too Millie," you laugh kissing the small cats head. "Where's Blitzø?" you ask the animal as if she could answer. Looking over to the kitchen window you take notice of it being opened. "Oh no no no no," you mutter placing Millie down and rushing to the window.

"Blitzø!" you call out panicking. Running around the apartment you check every place you could think of. His cage, the bathroom, the pantries, the dog beds, on and under the couch, and your whole bedroom. Yet there was no sight of Blitzø. At this point (more) panic sets in and you slide to the floor of your living room.

"Hello?" a voice calls out from the front door. Rushing your quick to grab Loona's collar so she can't ponce. "Hi, how can I help?" you ask opening the door slightly. "Heard some shouting?" a neighbor who you kind of recognized answers. "Oh, yeah I just lost my pet gecko for a moment, but I've found him no need to worry," you explain. "Cool well keep it down will ya?" he says before walking to his apartment next to you.

Closing the door you sink back onto the floor. Sign you cover your face. Whimpering Loona rubs her face to yours. "I'm fine girl," you say rubbing her head before hearing a shriek from outside causing you to rush to the patio.

Once there you see something rushing out of the owl's nest, but it is the angry snow owl and the happy barn owl screeching at each other that are holding your attention. "The hell," you mumble going back inside. Heading to the kitchen you enter to see Moxxie trying to jump on the counter and Millie looking down at Blitzø.

"Where have you been?" you question picking up the gecko. Closing the window you head to your room. "Your staying in your cage for the rest of the night," you order putting him in. "I'm sorry, but you scared the crap out of me," you say ignoring his puppy dog eyes. Walking out you start to make dinner. "Jesus," you mumble after the eventful afternoon.

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