🐾 Robot 🐾

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"Why isn't this cute?" you ask turning to Millie as she sits behind you on the couch. Looking up at your laptop she gives a disappointed meow before going back to playing with your hair. Blitzø's birthday was coming up and you were trying to find a new gift. You already got him an MLP toy and a new heating lamp, but you were trying to find one final gift.

Giving up you place your laptop on the coffee table. Pulling out your phone you decide to go on TikTok and Pinterest for inspiration. After a while of scrolling you come across an account you follow of some guy who owns a famous bird. Click on the account you notice that they had a link in his bio.

Opening the link takes you to a website that has the account's new merch. One of them is a cute small robotic replica of the bird. Thinking it was cute you filled out the ordering form before clicking the finish button and turned your phone off as Blitzø turns the corner on a not-so-happy Loona.

~(Three day time skip)~

"Happy birthday baby!" you exclaim clapping as some of your other pets cheer as well with hoots, barks, and meows. You went all out making a special cake for Loona, Moxxie, and Millie. Along with a peanut butter and birdseed cake for Stolas, Ocativa, and Stella (she just felt like hanging around, but mostly kept to herself beside a dirty side glance).

For the birthday boy himself, you made a fancy-looking bowl of assorted fruits and worms. You also bought some streamers and party hats. Stolas, Blitzø, Moxxie, and Millie were willing to wear them even if they didn't fully fit. As for the rest, they didn't want the hats on.

While everyone was eating you headed to your bedroom closet to grab the 3 gifts. Truning around you're met with Octavia watching you. Jumping a bit from the scare you gently pet her head while laughing as you walk out of the room. Octavia follows you and lands on your shoulder.

"Alright, let's do some gifts," you announce placing them down before grabbing Stella and holding her on your lap so she doesn't try anything, much to Stolas's amusement. Rushing forward Blitzø was quick to try and tear at the wrapped package. With the help of Stolas, he was able to open them.

"You like it?" you ask as Blitzø looks into the packaging at the MLP figure you were able to buy allowing him to have the whole first generation set. Next was the heating lamp which he didn't get at first, but once you got it set up later he was happy with it too. And finally, the robot toy model after the famous bird.

At first, Blitzø just stared at the toy, which concerned some of the other animals. After a bit of time, he was quick to lunge at the toy gripping it in his jaw and trashing it around before letting it go and hitting a wall. Sadly it didn't break but before he could attack again you were quick to grab him.

Moving Stella onto her perch you pick up the toy and hide it away in a cabinet. Giving Blitzø some time to cool down you wash the dishes with him hiding in the collar of your shirt. Once done you grab the toy one more time just to see how he would react again, and like before Blitzø beats the shit out of the toy.

Having enough you grab the toy and toss it in the box of stuff you want to donate. The lost bird robot is never to be found again. The rest of the party went smoothly afterwards and Blitzø was quick to forgive you.

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