🐾Noise complaint🐾

463 23 2

((y/c/n) = your cousin's name)

"Third time this week (Reader)," you landlord warns with his hairy ass arms crossed over his chest. "Look I'm-," you start before being cut off by his hand. "Either get rid of the pets in three days or I'm kicking you out. Got it?" he ask raising a brow. "*sigh* Yes sir," you answer closing the door.

Turning around your met face to face with all of your pets, including the owls, looking up at you. "Looks like we're moving guys," you say shrugging your shoulder before heading over to the living room and grabbing your laptop.

Places to stay nearby

Pet friendly homes

Large houses for cheap

Nothing. No houses nearby or at least any with in your budget. Leaning back you rub your face before feeling a weight in your lap. Looking down you she Loona waiting for you to put her leash on. It seems that this has become her form of comforting you. Getting up you grab you jacket and phone before placing her harness on and attaching the leash.

Giving a quick goodbye to your animals you head out to the nearby park that at this time in the afternoon would be abandoned. Pulling out your phone you check out any new notices from your media's. Seeing a text from your cousin your quick to click on it.


Yee & Haw🤠

(y/c/n): Check out who just came in!

(y/c/n): Ain't she just the cutest?😭

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(y/c/n): Ain't she just the cutest?😭

You: Awww! She's just so pure🤗

You: Unlike you

(y/c/n) Damn who hurt you today?

You: Land lord is threating to kick me out if I don't get rid of my pets

You: Too many noise complaints

You: But I just don't know if I can

You send before looking down at Loona who was walking next to you while keeping an eye out on your surroundings. Heading to a bench you sit down before going back to chatting with your cousin.

(y/c/n): Unlike your first two pets?

You: That's supposed to help🤨

(y/c/n): No :D

You sigh laughing a bit at the though of your first pets. They were two Pomeranians that your parents got you as a gift before going into high school. They were named Martha and Ralph. (If you get it you get it)

Sadly they were little psychopathic shits who would kill any small animals they saw on walks, and would just stare at you at night. Once you moved your mom asked if you wanted to take them with a you quickly denied saying they would get home sick and that they liked her more. A year later they had two pups who were just as bad.

(y/c/n): But if you need to you can stay on the farm. It's big enough and you can have the whole basement to yourself!

You: What about work?

(y/c/n): You are legally a vet right?

You: I guess?

(y/c/n) There you go!

(y/c/n): The old vet passed awhile ago and we haven't had anyone to take her place. You could do that!

You: Alright if you say so

(y/c/n): Of course your my favorite cousin. Why would I ever lie to you?

(y/c/n): Plus it's lonely here and I want to help you out

You: *you're

(y/c/n): Don't make me take it back😒

You: Okay! Okay!

You: Can I move in on Wednesday?

(y/c/n): Sure! You need a truck?

(y/c/n): I can bring mine over and help bring some of your stuff

You: Yeah, I'd like that a lot

You: Thanks

(y/c/n): Np! Us animal lovers have to stick together

(y/c/n): Do I get a discounts on check ups though???

You: Sure, just for you

(y/c/n): Yay, see you soon baboon!

You: Till then, penguin!

Smiling you place you phone back in your pocket and looking down to Loona. "You know what girl? I think everything is going to work out fine," you give a more content sigh and ruffle Loona's fur before continuing your walk with Loona while talking about your day.

(A.N: Just a heads up that cow has no importance to the story I just thought it was cute and wanted to show you all)

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