Part 14: He's afraid

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Once Lance left his lion he was hugged by Hunk, he seemed to pick up that he wasn't alright. With a forced smile he broke the hug with Hunk and excused himself from Blue's hanger to his room, letting the door close behind him he stripped himself to the tight suit against his skin and hide away under his blanket with it covering his head and curled into a ball hugging his legs. 

He thought it would be impossible, he thought he would be free, but truth was, he couldn't run far from his owner. His father owned him, and he couldn't run. His hand drifted from his legs to his neck that felt sore and most definitely bruised, he found him. But it shouldn't be possible he was... he wasn't Human. If Lance was half Galra than who was his mother? He doesn't remember her or even what she looked like, and he was said to be from a previous marriage but... he heard a few raps at his door, but he didn't move nor call out to answer, "Lance I know you're in there" Keith. 

He didn't want to move. 

"It's open" the doors opened, and Keith came in with Shiro at his side, seeing as they were the only two who knew what was going on, but Lance was unaware that Shiro knew as well. "Lance," 

"He's right Keith, I can't run. He owns me." 

"That doesn't make it any less terrifying than what I saw in that bridge Lance" he argued, "What exactly happen?" Lance froze, Shiro was in here?! He shot up out of his bed, "Nothing you need to--!" he was cut off by Shiro, "I already know Lance, well not what happened at that base, but I know what made you so wary" he told him, and Lance stopped what he was going to say, he looked to Keith, "I said nothing about not tell Shiro since he already had a general idea before you even told me however, like me he's agreed to keep secret and protect you and don't say you're trying to protect us if you think we won't do the same for you" he said flatly, "How much did you tell him Keith?" he demanded, "As much as what you told me that's about it, besides before he left for Kerberos, he told me to keep an eye on you" he blinked, "You what?" Sheepishly Shiro nodded, "I did, you worried me a lot, so I had too when I wasn't there" he defended. 

Lance was pretty much stunned; he didn't realize he was being looked after before. 

"I'm surprised you didn't notice" Keith said while blinking twice, "Yeah I didn't notice at all" he didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. "But anyway, what exactly happened on the base? You looked completely out of it when you got back" the way Lance folded in on himself made both Keith and Shiro's heart ping badly, he looked so vulnerable. His hand drifted to his neck again "Lance, do you need a pod?" he shook his head, "No, I'll leave it to heal for a couple days or in 24 hours, he didn't do it for long so it will heal after a few days. There's no need for a pod" he said quietly to them, "Lance he was choking you! I'd say you need a pod" again, Lance shook his head. "No Keith I'm fine, as long as he doesn't crush my windpipe, I'll be fine" he was serious, Yjok had been close to crushing it before but luckily Lance was able to avoid losing his vocals and becoming hospitalized. "Lance, this is serious" the Omega looked at the two Alphas dead serious. 

"I will be fine. I've survived it before and I will continue to survive, I will heal naturally and not by a Pod, besides the Pods are cold when I leave them so no Pod" he stated firmly with no room for arguments, honestly neither Keith or Shiro couldn't even find the right words to say since Lance showed the tone and the stern stare of any kind of loving mother. "Okay..." they lost that battle before it even started. 

"Moving on, who was the Galra you both ran into?" Shiro asked and immediately Keith grew a dark glare and Lance shuddered with fearful eyes, this made Shiro highly concerned because he was confused. "Shiro, will you look at me differently if I tell you?" his voice was nothing but a whisper, he needed a genuine answer. "No, my mate was an Omega himself, I won't look at you differently. I promise you that" he was firm on his promise, he'd never judge someone for something they can't control. Lance took in a shaky breath and let himself change, Shiro noticed the white specks in Lance's hair spread and two white cat ears appeared, and a tail peeked out from Lance's blanket. The oreoed hair Alpha blinked in surprise, "A Neko?" he asked, "More like cursed as a half Galra" he muttered, "Wait, what?" Lance, Galra? It was impossible, "It's true Shiro, I saw his bastard of a father for myself, and I will kill him when I get the chance and do not expect his death to be neither painless or messy" he was scowling with anger and Lance remained on his bed not bothering to keep the hotheaded Alpha at bay, "But since when? Wasn't he Human?" Lance gripped his blanket, "I don't remember my mother and I was always with my father, at the time I didn't know that he was even Galra but I started to find things that a normal Human wouldn't know" he said, "And what kind of things Lance" he pressed, "How my father knew about Zarkon and the lions. I didn't learn about them from Allura, I learned them by overhearing my father's conversation when he thought I was still unconscious in the living room." he explained, "Do you even know what Zarkon looks like?" he shook his head, "I never trusted him and now I even have more reason to be afraid of him." 

Pulling his legs to his chest he hugged them pressing his nose into his knees, "Please don't look at me any different, please..." pursing his lips Shiro walked to Lance with Keith keeping a firm eye on his brother unsure of how he would react or act if he got close to Lance, taking a seat next to him Lance watched him warily before he was taken into an embrace, Shiro hugged him close and protectively, like he did for Adam whenever he was upset. "I already promised you I wouldn't look at you differently" Lance let go of his legs and hugged Shiro as best he could, Keith showed a small smile at the scene and again Shiro gave a gleam and the smile was gone and a glare replaced it's departer, if Shiro said anything about his crush on Lance then he's going to knock his brother out and lock him somewhere in the castle. 

But still, they would need more than just the two of them to keep Lance safe however, they did say they wouldn't say anything unless the need absolutely needed it but honestly, Lance was their top priority. Ending the war followed closely behind protecting the Omega.


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