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Jason's POV

I was standing beside my car with my niece in my arms "come on Izzy uncle Jason has to leave". Dean tried to get her off me but her grip got tighter "you know you're my favorite niece and you know that if you ever need or want to chat all you have to do is call". I put her in dean's arms "love you uncle Jason". I gave her a kiss "love ya too". I gave Ziggy a hug "don't be a stranger now". I told her I wasn't planning on it and then we got to Dean "I'm going to miss you the most". Izzy had gone with Ziggy so I could just say goodbye to my brother "just like you told Izzy if you need or want me all you have to do is call me". I gave him one last hug before leaving.

I had just gotten back into the bay and right now all I wanted was a nice piece of Irene's chocolate cake and a coffee. I got out of my car and went inside the diner to be meet with arms around my neck. I was given a kiss on the cheek "alright Irene I need some chocolate cake and a coffee please?"

I was sitting outside on the deck watching the ocean being so quiet "here you go love". Irene put my coffee on the table and was going to ask something but started to walk away "just say it Irene!" I took a mouth full of coffee "I don't like getting up in your business" I gave her a look "but why did you leave?" I put the coffee I was holding down "I went and spent some time with Dean Ziggy and Izzy. When I was up there I started to think about my life and at night I was walking the tracks up there just thinking".

I was standing on the beach with my feet in the water looking out to the reflection of the moon on the water. I had tear's running down my face "get away from the water!" I turned around to see Cash coming my way "Jason?" I nodded my head and he walked down towards me "when did you get back into town?" I turned to look at the water "half an hour ago". I lowered my head "why don't you come over here out of the water?" I raised my head and started to walk deeper into the water and then when I could hardly stand I looked back at Cash "I'm sorry" and then I went under the water.

Cash's POV

I had gone in and gotten Jason out of the water and when I got him on the beach I found rocks in his pockets.

I had been sitting by Jason in his house by his bed. I was looking around his room while I was waiting for him to wake back up. I picked up a photo of him and Dean off of his dresser and he looked happy. I put the photo down when I heard coughing so I quickly went to Jason's side and sat him up. He looked like hell "should have let me go Cash". I could tell he was pissed off "I couldn't let you go and leave your family!" I grabbed his hands "I said my good-byes to everyone that I've had in my corner". I watched him close his eyes "besides the world doesn't need me anymore I've done what's needed of me". I was unsure what he meant.

Jason's POV

Cash hasn't left my side for to long but today he was letting me go out to salt on my own.

I walked up stairs to salt and walked up to the bar and had a seat "how was the city?" I took off my sun glasses and looked at Xander "I shouldn't have had a go at you Xander I was just frustrated and I know that's not a good reason but that's all I got for you". He put a coffee in front of me "I shouldn't have taken as many shifts that I was taking or responsible but I'm the new salt vent planner". I gave him a soft smile.

Weeks later

I ran into the hospital and I hate these shoes. I ran to the front desk "I'm looking for Mackenzie Booth". She told me where to go and I said thank you I walked over to her bed "Bree how is she?" I walked to her side "we still don't know yet". I let out a sigh but I put my lips to Mack's forehead "you scared the shit out of me Mack". She had a smile on her face "I'm sorry". I could see the tear's in her eyes "no you have nothing to be sorry about ok what ever this is we'll fight it together it might not be happening to me but I'm going to be there for what ever you need". I wiped a tear away from her cheek "have you told Dean yet?" I shack my head no "I don't think I should tell him not until we find out what's going on with you". She said thank you "how did you hear about this?" I looked at her "did Xander call you?" I shack my head no "Cash did and I came running even ask the front desk worker's". She let out a little bit of a laugh "do you want anything a extra pillow or a foot rub?" She tells me no "want me to go to salt and looked after it for you?" Shack she told me yes "I want to be the first one to know what's going on ok".

I was sitting at salt working putting out orders and wiping down tables. That's when I see Cash walk up to the bar so I took some glasses up to the bar "Xander if you want a break I can hold down the place?" He said thanks so him and rose left, I looked at Cash "you want a whiskey" "I…I can't". I looked at Cash with a bottle in my hands "trust me I need it and so do you". I poured myself a shot and Cash a glass "how much do I owe you?" He pulled out his wallet "don't it's on me" he tried to refuse my offer "Cash we both had a bad day and my sister is in hospital". He put his wallet away and I put the bottle away "so how long are you working here for?" I looked at Cash "until Mackenzie gets back which is wired working behind a bar again". I see some people waiting "oi you!" I pointed at one of the staff "get back to work please". He nodded his head "you're going to be just fine". I playfully rolled my eyes at Cash

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