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Days later

Jason's POV

I was walking with Cash towards salt. He had an arm over my shoulders and making me feel better "how's not working going?" He stopped laughing "it's fine". I rolled my eyes "well if it makes you feel any better it's my turn to buy the drinks",  That got him in a better mood.

When we got closer to salt I saw Xander standing there looking at the ocean.

I took in a deep breath and Cash asked me if I needed a minute "what I need is a drink inside of me!" We walked upstairs to salt and we got a couple of beers and took a seat in the lounge area

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I took in a deep breath and Cash asked me if I needed a minute "what I need is a drink inside of me!" We walked upstairs to salt and we got a couple of beers and took a seat in the lounge area.

It's been a few hours now and Cash was leaving "alright Jason I'll see you later!" I gave him a thumbs up and walked to the bar "seems you were having fun hanging out with my brother" I was ready to pay and leave.

I had sobered up real quick because I had a whole lot of missed phone calls and texts from John saying Irene was in jail. I got into the police station and saw Irene "Irene!" I went behind the counter and gave her a hug "get back onto the other side!" I did as told "have you got a lawyer yet?" She nodded her head "don't speak unless your lawyer is around you"

A few days later

I was happy Irene was out I jail for now but it's up to the court's decision. I had gone to the hospital to see Theo because I had heard about Justin. I put a hand on Theo's shoulder "how are you holding up?" He looked up at me with sadness in his eyes "he's near the end". I rubbed his shoulder "you got my number call me if you need anything or just need a chat". He nodded his head so I left his room.

I was sitting at the bar in salt having a drink of whiskey thinking about my life. That's when I see a new drink get put in front of me "I thought we should talk". I didn't have too look up to tell it was Xander. I grabbed my new drink "what's there to talk about you were spending all your time at work and if you weren't working you were suffering or sleeping!" I took a mouth full "I needed my Xander when I was in that". I stopped myself "I know I promised I would be there for you". He grabbed my hand "doesn't matter anymore we are over". I pulled my hand away "how long have you been feeling like this Jason?" I finished off my drink "weeks Xander for weeks and everytime I tried to bring it up with you, you told me you were too busy to deal with my bull shit!" I got out of my seat "where are you going?" I didn't answer him and just left.

Xander's pov

It's been days now since me and Jason's chat out on the balcony. I saw Mackenzie come over and she had a smile on her face "what's got you all happy?" She was looking at her phone "uncle Jason went to the city and surprised his niece and brother". She should me a photo of Jason buying niece a lot of presents. When she took the photo back she could tell I was upset "what's wrong Xander?" I looked at her e and Jason broke up because of how much time I was working".

Jason's POV

I was out with Dean and Izzy I love spending time with them. I was holding Izzy when she saw a stuffed animal she wanted "you want that one baby girl?" She nodded her head "ok let's go get it for you". We walked into the story and she was looking at all the stuffed animals "how things going with you and Xander?" I looked at my brother "it's.. I ended things with him". I picked up the stuffed dog that Izzy wanted "what happened between you two this time?" I let out a sigh "he was taking on more work spending less time with me and you know how I feel about that". He nodded his head "it was hard for me to deal with being abandon" I was trying my best not to cry so I made myself smile for Izzy "who's my favorite niece?" She pointed to herself "that's right!" She had a big grin on her face.

I was sitting on the couch with a beer in my hand while Dean took a seat on the other side "so how are things going between you and Xander?" I took a mouth full of the beer "we haven't spoken since I ended things off with him". That's when I got a text "who's it from?" Dean grabbed my phone and was pissed off it was my work "it's your time off!" I shhhh him so he wouldn't wake up Ziggy or Izzy "doesn't matter if it's my time off or not besides I've got to head back to the bay tomorrow so I thought maybe I could steal my favorite niece and leave you and Ziggy for some alone time". He had a grin on his face "but she's a sleep and you leave tomorrow?" I nodded my head "but I've still got until the afternoon to leave and I don't have to work until Monday". He nodded his head "but why leave so soon?" I was shaking my head "I've been up here for a whole week and a half". He was shocked "it's been that long already?" I nodded my head and finished off my beer "damn you're still a quick drinker". I laughed right I'll go to my hotel and I'll see you tomorrow before I leave". I gave my brother a hug before leaving and heading to my hotel.

I was sitting on my bed going through my social media and found out lyric has a show on at salt on Friday.

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