The care

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Jin side-eyed the password that Namjoon is punching in Jungkook’s apartment door. He averted his gaze once the door opened with a small sound. They put off their shoes and quietly entered the apartment. It was really silent.

“Are you sure human beings live here?”

Jin asked his hyung, who just hushed him and pointed at the figure who was fully sleeping on the couch in the living room. Jin rolled his eyes and followed Namjoon to Jungkook's room.

A messy-haired Jungkook opened the door after a small knock. Namjoon quickly pulled Jin behind him when he saw Jungkook wearing only his shorts. Jungkook quickly put off a t-shirt when he saw Jin with Namjoon.

“How is your fever?”

Namjoon asked when he sat on the bed and put the fruits he got on the table, and Jin took his time to look around the room. He knows Jungkook paints, but he doesn’t expect him to be this talented after observing the wall paint.

“Its better. I will come to the office tomorrow."

ungkook's eyes then followed Jin; he slowly smiled at Jin, who was just looking at his paintings with an open mouth.

“Let me bring something to drink for you.” Jungkook said, but NJ stopped him.

“No need. You take rest.We are going. It's already late, and besides, Jin has a test the day after tomorrow.”

Jin closed his eyes annoyigly when he heard that his hyung had a sharp memory about his every test.


Jungkook opened his eyes from sleep and quickly sat on the bed, panting and sweating. He looked around and realized it was a dream. He looked at the time, and it was past midnight. He slowly made his way to the kitchen to get some water. He was going back to his bedroom when Yoongi came outside his room. He stared at Jungkook for a sec before speaking.

“The same dream?” Yoongi asked calmly.

Jungkook nodded and wiped away the sweat on his forehead.

“I think my heart is restless from that day for not being able to save Jin from that incident, and that is why I am continuously having dreams about Jin crying.” Jungkook expressed his concern.

Yoongi  didnt say anything, he just silently watched Jungkook, who got into his room and closed the door.


Jin almost fell asleep on his text book when his phone rang suddenly, making him jump a little from the unexpected call. He scratched his head and picked up the phone.

“Are you studying?” NJ asked.

“Did you call me to ask this?”

"Yes, and also, I will be late to come home; you ate dinner and don't wait for me.”

“Wea~~~~?” Jin whined loudly.

“Jungkook took leave this afternoon because he got sick again, and I have to complete his work as well, so I may reach only around midnight. Go to bed after you finish studying."


Jin said, hung up the phone, and sighed, looking at the time. It's only past 8. He then took the book, and instantly he got dizzy looking at the page.

“Uff, how am I going to graduate by studying these books?" He closed the book and sighed again.

“Iam bored. What is Jimin doing now? Surely not studying. Just ask him to give me company."

He took his phone, but suddenly another idea came into his mind.
He mischievously smiled, thinking about something.


He contemplated whether he had made a good decision or not, standing in front of Jungkook's apartment.

Shall I just punch the password and put these inside and walk away?
What if Yoongi Hyung is inside?
No, Yoongi hyung has night works, so it will be only me and Kookie hyung."

Jin scweeled inside, thinking about spending time with Jungkook alone.
He gathered his courage and decided to ring the doorbell.

But after three ringings, no one came to open the door. Jin sulked and decided to punch in the password. And when he touched the keys to enter the password, someone opened the door, causing Jin to straighten his position.

Jungkook was shocked to see an excited Jin standing outside.

“What are you doing here?”

“Visiting the patient,”

Jin said, showing the cover he was holding to Jungkook and making his way inside.

“Did Namjoon know that you came here?"

The question stopped Jin in the middle, who was walking towards the kitchen.

“Ah… I think Hyung is busy because of the work loads; he is not answering the phone.” Jin said without turning and quickly walked inside the kitchen.

Jungkook slowly sat on the couch, and Jin came back with a glass of water on one hand and some medicines on the other.

“Did you eat dinner?” Jungkook nodded slowly.

“Then eat these tablets."

“I have already eaten tablets; there is no need for this."

“No, you should eat. I brought this for you from a good medical shop.”

"What's the point of taking the medicine again?"

"Maybe because I am giving it with love.” Jin said it in a low tone, which only he heard.

"Just eat this. You will feel better and can have a good sleep quick.”

Jungkook didn't argue more; he took the medicine.

“Better?” Jin asked curiously, with big eyes.

Jungkook nodded and looked into those eyes, which were screaming pure and innocent love for love.
He lost himself in it, and Jin also didn’t take his eyes off the one who was making his heart beat fast.

They were continuing, softly looking at each other, when Jin's phone suddenly rang. Jungkook quickly looked away when he realized he had been looking into those eyes for a long time, and Jin just smiled at him.

“I will just take this call. You just take a nap, Kookie Hyung." Jin said that and moved from there to pick up the phone.

“Why the hell did you go to Jungkook Hyung's house at this hour?"

Jin rolled his eyes when Jimin began to spit fire on the other side of the phone, who called him instantly at the moment when he read Jin's message about going to visit Jungkook.

After a long conversation with his best friend, who tries to act like his hyung in Jin's opinion, Jin came to check on Jungkook.

He softly knocked on the door before entering, only to see Jungkook sleeping comfortably. Jin just smiled and decided to leave, but
He slowly made his way closer to Jungkook without making him awake and silently stood, watching the sleeping figure. Jungkook looks so cute while sleeping.

“Consider this as medicine too.”
He said in a very low tone and slowly placed a soft kiss on Jungkook's forehead.

Jin got startled suddenly when Yoongi appeared in front of him when he turned after slowly closing Jungkook's door.
“Hai, hyung.” Jin said, giving a smile.

“Thanks for the lift, hyung."
Jin said and hoped down from Yoongi's bike.

“Oh, and don’t tell Namjoon Hyung that I came to visit at this hour; he will rant about skipping my study time."

Yoongi didn't say anything; he just looked at Jin, who was now opening the gate.

“Do you love him?” Yoongi stopped Jin.

Jin took a minute before nodding to Yoongi's question.

“Don’t.” Yoongi said suddenly. Jin got confused and furrowed his eyebrows.

“Don’t waste your time on loving him. You should focus on your career."

Jin sighed after hearing this.

“Did he tell you to say this to me? He said the same thing to me. I know who my heart wants, and I am not going to give up on it."

Jin said and walked away without wanting further conversation about this matter. Yoongi silently watched Jin and started his bike once he made sure Jin got safely inside.

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