012 || Don't push me

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I didn't look at him as I spoke. He stopped next to me, his back leaning against the railing. I still didn't even glance at him.

"You know, when I said I wanted some air, it meant just me." I kept my voice calm.

"I know. And yet here I am." He shrugged. I finally looked at him, my eyes hard.

"What do you want, Verstappen?" I growled.

"I just want to know what's going on in that little mind of yours." He chuckled. Evidently, my anger was very amusing to him. I clenched my jaw.

"I was just wondering how long it would take for the bubbles to stop if I held your head under the water." I snapped.

"That's cute." He laughed. I scowled, my glare almost burning holes in his face. "As if you would be able to."

"Just fuck off. I'm not in the mood to deal with... you." My voice was disdainful. I turned away from him to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist. I spun back to face him, hatred consuming my thoughts. There was a small pause where we both just stared into eachothers eyes. 

Mine burning, his ice cold. 

"You're really not afraid of me, are you?" He asked me, his voice quietening a little. I frowned, the question taking me off guard. I hesitated for a split second.

"Why would I be afraid of a coward?" I shrugged, my voice dripping with venom. He gritted his teeth, his grip on my wrist tightening.

"Watch your mouth, Hawke." He warned, his voice low and dangerous. I glared back at him, unflinching.

"You heard me. A pathetic coward who has to put others down to make himself feel better about his sad little life." I spat. His eyes flashed with rage in a dim light. I could feel my anger rising.

"Don't push me, Hawke." He growled, his fist clenching at his side. I ripped my arm from his grasp.

"Or what? You'll make another scene." I taunted, taking his warning as a challenge. "Go ahead. Do your worst." I took a step toward him so that our faces were inches apart.

He didn't move, his eyes never leaving mine. A smirk tugged at the corners of my lips. I stepped back, shaking my head.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I chuckled, my eyes locking with his, a spark of victory flashing through me.

I turned away to go back inside. Stupid mistake. That's the first rule in any battle: Never turn your back on your opponent. His hands grabbed my sides and dragged me back with surprising strength. All I could do was let out a yelp of fear and shock as I felt the ground disappear from under me.

It was as if time had just slowed. My senses were on fire. I felt the wind rush past my face. I heard my own cry of terror. I could almost taste my own fear. The last thing I saw was Max's face, etched with fury.

I let out a scream, but it was cut off as I plunged into the freezing water. I opened my eyes, ignoring the sting. I fought towards the surface with all of my strength, but it was as if there were invisible hands dragging me deeper. Water filled my mouth as I tried to scream again. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought it was going to explode out of my chest. My lungs were screaming for air.

My body was on fire, and my head was throbbing painfully. Water filled my nose and my ears. I felt hopeless. The invisible hands dragged me deeper and deeper. The light above my head began to fade. The last shred of hope began to fall away as darkness welled around my already blurred vision.

I closed my eyes.


Max's POV

I felt a rush of adrenaline as I heard the splash of her body hitting the water. I leaned over the edge, waiting for her to come to the surface. A large corcle of bubbles formed around the place she had disappeared into the water. I waited.

Why wasn't she coming up?

My heart began to speed up. I scanned the surface of the water, suddenly feeling a wave of panic and guilt. 


"I heard a splash. What happened?" Lando's voice broke through my trance. I spun around. He was walking up the stairs toward me. 

"Max, where's Sabrina...?" His voice darkened. I gulped, my heart pounding in my throat.

"She's not coming up..." I croaked. Lando's eyes widened in shock and fear.

"She can't swim!" Lando's yelled, running towards me. I was faster. I jumped over the railing and propelled myself into the dark water below without a second thought. 

The loud, panicked voices of the others were cut off as water enveloped me. It was freezing; the sensation was making my insides churn, but I kept pushing against the current.

I opened my eyes, ignoring the painful sting. The lights from the yatch illuminated just enough for me to spot her dark form. The water blurred my vision, but I was sure it was her. I kicked out, propelling myself towards her. 

My lungs were screaming for air by the time I managed to grasp her forearm. She was still conscious, but barley. I began to drag her to the surface.

She kicked out weakly, trying to help, but I could feel her slipping away from me. Desperation and adranaline fueled me as I slipped my arm around her middle, kicking as hard as I could. Her body was limp.

My head finally broke the surface. I took a gasping breath, feeling a wave of relief flood over me. Panting and heaving, I pulled her to the back of the boat. Lando and Daniel were there waiting, their hands outstretched. 

Fortunately, she wasn't very heavy, and with a last effort, I pulled her up so that Daniel could grasp her arms and pull her up. Charles and Layla came rushing towards them with towels. I hoisted myself up onto the boat, my chest heaving.

All I could hear were muffled voices around me as they all crowded around Sabrina. I could barely see her. I felt a towel drape over my shoulders. But I didn't care. I couldn't feel the cold. The adrenaline was still coursing through my veins. I couldn't speak as I was ushered away from her by Pierre and Carlos. 

I didn't resist.

I waited outside for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. The exit was beginning to fade away, allowing the cold to seep into my bones. 

I shivered, pulling the towel closer around my shoulders. Pierre and Carlos were talking to me, but I wasn't paying attention. I just stared at where Daniel had disappeared, holding a limp form wrapped in towels. Guilt gnawed at me.

"Max! What the fuck is your problem?"

Lando's furious yell snapped me out of it. He was marching towards me, his eyes blazing. He looked like he was about to tackle me. I wouldn't have fought him. But Carlos grabbed his arm and pulled him back. I stayed silent.

"She could have died! What were you thinking?!" He yelled. I had never seen this side of him.

"She's alive?" I managed to find my voice.


Hey, sorry for not updating in while. Things have just been a bit crazy. 

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter and another one is coming soon.  More drama! 

What do you think so far? 

Bye lovelies, 😘

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