Chapter 17: The Power of The Grand Kai

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Servant: Grand Kai sir. This is Gotenchi.

Gotenchi: Nice to meet you, Grand Kai.

Grand Kai (GK): Well hello there! Are you ready for some great food?

Gotenchi: Ye-. yes sir, but I'm mainly here to train as you requested.

GK: Oh right. I forgot I sent that request a while ago. I think given you are a good saiyan that you are perfect to learn my Kaioken technique. However, if I am to teach you, I require something from you. A promise of sorts.

Gotenchi: What is it?

GK: I need you to promise to return in about 2 years time to be a competitor in the Other World tournament. I think that is reasonable considering you are the first non tournament winner to receive any training from me.

Gotenchi: What's the other world tournament?

GK: Well, every 10 years your time, the two best warriors of each quadrant are selected by their Kai to compete in an 8-man tournament with the winner getting to train under me. The reason I am training you now is because I believe you have the potential to bring great change to the Universe and my Kaioken will help you face off with some of your Galaxies greatest evils.

Gotenchi: What evils?

GK: There is a great tyrant that rules not only over most of the East Galaxy but a large section of the South Galaxy as well as scattered parts of the other two galaxies. No mortal has been able to oppose this tyrant including the Saiyans.

Gotenchi: Saiyan's? There are more than just me out there?

GK: Yes, but none of them are like you. The Siayans are a ruthless, battle-hardened race that would conquer worlds in the name of power and galactic superiority. Eventually, they went to war with this tyrant and suffered major losses before being taken over by the tyrant to serve him as part of his army.

Gotenchi: So this tyrant has defeated my entire race? How can I defeat him?

GK: With the Kaioken and your genetics of course. The Kaioken can amplify your power by multiple times. This combined with your good nature and genes should allow you to break any limits you may have had and defeat this tyrant in your inevitable confrontation.

Gotenchi: Alright! I'm ready to get started.

GK: Now hold on. The food is just about to come out of the kitchen. Let's eat first then you can begin your training.

Gotenchi: Alright!

The two sit down to feast while another Kai watches over Earth.

???: Another dark force has just arrived on your planet.

Omega: What do you mean East Kai?

East Kai: A Saiyan in search of something. A middle-class brute named Kallabash.

Omega: Is he searching for the Dragon Balls?

East Kai: No. I'm afraid he is in search of someone. That someone is likely Gotenchi.

Omega: Where is he now?

East Kai: Should be with the Grand Kai training last I checked. Which means this Kallabash figure will not find him.

Oni: Is that a good or bad thing East Kai?

East Kai: It could be good or very bad depending on his orders should he not find Gotenchi.

???: We should contact Kai and the rest of Earth's warriors. Omega's students can at least fight him if it comes to that.

East Kai: I'm afraid they are still recovering from just defeating Salad Jr. This saiyan is at least as strong as he was so they are in no condition to fight him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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