Chapter 15: A Grand Takeover

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3 days had passed as our heroes continued training in the ki chamber. Gotenchi neared the planet of Grand Kai, and Qui and Cream returned after having failed their mission.

Salad Jr: Cream? Where are the dragon balls?

Cream: My lord. I come baring bad news. It appears the dragon balls have been used in the last 3 years.

Salad Jr: So?

Ranch and Suga walk into the main hall

Ranch: My lord. The dragon balls have a 3-year cooldown after they are used. This means we may have to wait up to 3 full years for you to get your wish.

Salad has an annoyed look on his light blue face as he sits up from his throne and begins walking forward past his henchmen.

Salad Jr: So be it. Let us move on to the next step of my takeover.

Ranch: My lord. Chaos has spread to the entire planet's population, but I think it may be smart to wait just a bit longer to-.

Salad Jr: We cannot wait any longer Ranch. Earth's strongest warriors must know what is happening by now and are preparing to face me. I must take over before they can strike.

Ranch: Yes my lord.

They all fly off towards Golden City.

Interviewer: We are here with the King of Earth. Sir, chaos has taken over the streets of all major cities after the recent attacks by alien-like creatures. Do you have any plan to stop this or words to reassure the people?

King of Earth: Well m'lady. I have already sent out the top officials of the military and of my cabinet to help deal with each situation independently. Soon I will give a spe-. Wait who let a little blue person in here?

Salad: Salutations King. I'm here to claim your throne for it is my birthright.

King of Earth: Your birthright? Who even are y-.

Salad kicks the King which sends him flying through the wall out to the streets below. He takes a seat in front of the cameraman.

Salad Jr: Hello citizens of Earth. My name is Lord Salad Jr. I have come here to end the chaos and be your savior that ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity. To do this we will need a transitional period of martial law as my armies quell the threats. This means you must all stay inside your homes for the foreseeable future and not be outside or rebelling against the new regime as we do our work. I will take on the title of King of Earth meaning you will all refer to me as King Salad.

A mix of cheers, boos, and confusion is heard around the world.

Salad Jr: Rest assured my people that as King I will improve your lives. All you have to do is follow my orders and worship me as your King. Have a good night in your homes.

Interviewer: And we're off the air sir. Wait what are you do-.

Salad launches a blast killing the interviewer and her entire crew.

Salad Jr: My first decree. The press is banned from entering my new home unless I give express permission. My second. Ranch I am naming you my Viceroy as you are my most loyal and long-lasting servant.

Ranch: Thank you, my King.

Salad Jr: Now let's get to work.

Kai watches on from the lookout knowing that his warriors will not exit the chamber for at least another full day and that there is nothing he can do to stop Salad right now.

Koko: Are you alright Kai?

Kai: Ah Mr Koko. It's nice to see you, my friend. It's been a few days since we last spoke.

Koko: Yes well I've been in the greenhouse growing all of those senzu beans you requested. Are there any updates on Salad sir?

Kai: It appears he was successful in becoming King. Not that I'm surprised as the military is of no use against beings with powers like Salad and his henchmen. I hope that they exit the chamber strong enough to defeat him.

Koko: I'm sure at least Nam will be sir. He is your finest son.

Kai: You cannot underestimate his brother Koko. He has spent his time since his betrayal fully focused on strength. The other warriors are also very powerful, but I'm still concerned that it won't be enough.

Koko: You mustn't worry too much Kai. It isn't good to be this stressed at your age.

Kai: It is my job Koko. At least until Nam is ready.

Koko: And when will that be?

Kai: Hopefully soon.

Kai turns his staff to see Gotenchi reach the end of Serpent's Path.

Gotenchi: Phew. I'm starving. I should've waited a little bit longer to eat that Senzu bean, but this big green planet above me must be it.

Gotenchi prepares and jumps up to quickly be caught and pulled in by the planet's strong gravity.

Gotenchi: Can. Barely. Stand.

Servant: Hello Mr. Gotenchi. The Grand Kai has been expecting you.

Gotenchi: He-. Hello. Can barely move.

Servant: Yes the gravity here is about 10 times as strong as what you're used to on Earth. If you remove any weighted gear then that may help.

Gotenchi: Oh yeah.

Gotenchi throws off his weighted gi and armbands.

Gotenchi: That feels a lot better. I can at least stand and kind of walk.

Servant: Excellent. Now if you'll follow me we can take you to the Grand Kai. He is just about to have dinner.

Gotenchi: Awesome! I'm starving!

The two walk into the green and orange castle where Gotenchi will spend many weeks learning from the gods.

Kai: He has just arrived.

Koko: Gotenchi?

Kai: Yes. He is now meeting with the Grand Kai. Should our other warriors fail then Gotenchi will surely succeed.

Koko: Good. Now you can not stress so much. I'll be preparing dinner now. It's been a while since we've had a moment of peace up here.

Kai: Yes. A quiet dinner will help calm my nerves.

The two turn to walk towards their home on the lookout as someone else enters the planet's atmosphere.

Kallabash: Entering atmosphere command. Any good landing locations?

Command: There is a wasteland perfect for landing. Sending coordinates now.

Kallabash: Affirmative. My mission one more time?

Command: Find and retrieve the package Kallabash. The King has entrusted you personally with this mission.

Kallabash: Confirm. Making preparations to land.

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