Chapter 8: A World Champion is Crowned

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Gotenchi looks towards the ring as some preliminary fights take place to rile the crowd up for the main match, the finale of the Martial Arts World Fighting Cup.

Oni: Do you think you can win Gotenchi?

Callio: Can you beat Drum Goten?

Gotenchi: Of course, I can guys! It will be the toughest fight of my life, but I have to win.

Gotenchi takes his place in the ring.

Drum stands up and makes his way to the doorway leading to the ring.

???: Wait, brother! We have to talk first.

Drum doesn't even turn his head as everyone else looks at a man with his entire body covered by his robes.

Oni: Did he just call him brother?

Drum: Not

Drum walks out and takes his spot in the ring.

Announcer: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! The following is the finale of the Martial Arts World Cup! Introducing first, this is Drum!

The crowd is mixed with cheers and boos from different sections of the arena.

Announcer: And introducing second, the representative of Conton Village, Gotenchi!

The crowd cheers for the new fan favorite to win this bout.

No words are spared as the two immediately dart towards each other and clash, throwing punches and kicks at each other as they soar through the air and jump to different parts of the ring.

Gotenchi: You're my fiercest opponent Drum, but I have to beat you here.

Drum: You will never win Gotenchi.

Drum powers up to his near-full strength, wanting to end this now.

Gotenchi: Alright. Have it your way then.

Gotenchi throws off his weighted Gi and powers up as well. The two clash once more and only Gallue, Omega, and the robed figure can keep up with the speed of the fight.

Eventually, Drum kicks Gotenchi and sends him crashing nearly through the entire ring. Gotenchi gets up out of the small crater and dodges an oncoming punch and sends Drum crashing through the ring and towards its edge, barely stopping before he gets sent to the floor.

Gotenchi: We're clearly evenly matched Drum. So I say we go all out and end this here.

Drum: If you wish.

Gotenchi takes off his wristbands and powers up to full strength as Drum does the same.

Drum: A weighted gi and wristbands? That's smart Gotenchi, but it won't be enough to win. This fight ends here.

Drum begins to charge up his Planetary Crusher as Gotenchi charges his most powerful Kamehameha. This alone makes not only the island shake but even the surrounding islands as the power continues to rise.


Gotenchi: HAAAAA!!!

The beams clash in a brilliant green and blue light as the two push each other to new heights. Gotenchi reaches into himself for any extra power, taking his eyes off Drum for a brief second. By the time he looked back towards where Drum was, he saw the Namekain brute right in front of him as he leaped out of the blue and green light.

Drum: I told you. You never had a chance to win.

Drum launches a beam that hits Gotenchi directly before he can counter, sending him spiraling toward the edge of the ruined ring.

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