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Our Story begins on the Conton Village Tournament Finals. A yearly tournament in which the winner will be the villages representative in the Martial Arts World Cup. The finalists enter the ring, Gotenchi, a Young Fighter living in the Conton Village Fighting Dojo under a stairway. His room was constructed by his Master, only known as Omega. Across from him is his best friend but also strongest rival, Zarra

The two fighters stare each other down as the crowd including there friends, family, and fellow fighters, notably Master Omega, fellow fighter Oni, and the childhood friend of Gotenchi, Callio

The fighter take their stances as the Announcer began to count down from 10

Announcer: 10.....9.....8.....7

Both Fighters hearts pump fast as they await the end of the count both formulating their strategy. They had fought and trained alongside each other since they were both 13, 7 whole years of training together had allowed them to memorize each others movesets so they had to have a cunning strategy to win this battle.

Announcer: 6.......5.......4.......3.......2.......1

Announcer: LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!!!!!

The two fly towards each other throwing and dodging punches and kicks but both men were seemingly equal in power as they battled all around the battlefield lined out by chalk by the village children earlier that day.

Zarra: Give up Gotenchi, this is my fight to win

Gotenchi: Never, I've fought my whole life for this

The two continued the battle for nearly 30 minutes when they both collapsed from exhaustion. They both had used all of their ki and energy. but were kept at a standstill.

Zarra is the first to manage to his feet once again with the little energy he could conjure up

Zarra: It's time to give up Goten. You're out of ki and out of strength so forfeit already!

Gotenchi gets to his feet with a determined look on his face

GotenchI: You know I can't quit Zarra, this fight means everything to me. If I don't win here the last 7 years were just a waste of time.

Zarra: You think I haven't fought for this too? My family allowed me to follow my dream of fighting and I can't allow you to take that from me.

Gotenchi: At least you have a family to go home too. MY FAMILY DISOWNED ME BECAUSE I WANTED TO FIGHT. I live in the dojo for a reason!

Zarra was shocked to hear this. Gotenchi had never told anyone this before but now he had said it in front of the whole village. He had always claimed he stayed there to have easy access to training so this truth shocked everyone except for their Master Omega. Omega was the only one who knew the truth as he had taken Gotenchi in when his parents left him there to train while they left the village for a life in Golden City.

Zarra: I'm...sorry to hear that Goten but I still can't lose this... 

Zarra began charging his most powerful beam, a weaker but easier to use Kamekameha, known as the Kamekameha

Gotenchi: So be it

Gotenchi cupped his hands together began charging a beam of his own but everyone including Zarra and Omega noticed he's charging a beam known of his fellow fighters even came close to being able to use. He began to say...

Gotenchi: Ka. Me. Ha. Me.

Everyone was shocked, now one had been able to use the ancient technique known as the Kamehameha except Omega who had learned it from the Old and Wise Muton Goten who he named Gotenchi after. The closest anyone had gotten was Zarra's and Gotenchi's Kamekameha that they developed together to use until they had enough power and ki to use the Ancient Technique.

Both men had charged their strongest attack and were ready to put it all on the line.

They both let out ear shattering screams as they let out all of the power they had left towards each other. The beams clashed against each other and both seemed even until Gotenchi's blast inched closer and closer to Zarra beginning to overpower his rival

Zarra: I...I...I can't hold it back any longer

Gotenchi: This is the end Zarra!

Gotenchi puts all of his energy into the blast easily overpowering Zarra's and knocking him out of the ring. Omega quickly jumps in front of the ongoing beam and kicks it up into the air to prevent any accidental destruction.

Announcer: The Match Is Over

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner and the man that will represent our village at the World Cup, GOTENCHI!!!

The entire village crowds around Gotenchi but he moves through the crowd to help his friend up after their battle.

Gotenchi: That was our best fight yet Zarra

He pulls Zarra to his feet

Zarra: Yes it was, and now you'll be living our dream in Golden City

GotenchI: What are you talking about? You'll be there with me.

They both smile and the village has a feast the next day to celebrate Gotenchi's victory. After the feast, Gotenchi heads to the nearby pond to clear his head and do a bit of sparring before heading back to the Dojo. However he quickly senses a evil power nearby

Gotenchi: Who's there? I can sense you hiding behind those bushes.

A old man wearing a Lab Coat comes out from behind the bushes

???: I see. You can sense Living Creatures Energy and presumably there level of power.

GotenchI: I may be able to, now explain why you're here old man. We don't have any scientists that live in the village.

???: Well you see I was looking for the fighter known as Gotenchi, the strongest fighter in this village to offer him a very valuable opportunity

Gotenchi: What is the opportunity? I'll be sure to let him know.

???: Well you see...

Gotenchi: What the-

Gotenchi turns around to get gut punched by a massive figure under a tarp and is knocked out by someone else.

???: And now I have my most recent Android, thank you 6 and 7.

6 and 7: Yes Dr. Wheeler

Dr. Wheeler: Now put him in the back of the truck, he'll be coming with us

Now put him in the back of the truck, he'll be coming with us

The Next Day,

Zarra enters the Dojo to find everyone including Callio distraught

Zarra: Callio what's wrong?

Callio: It's Goten. He's gone! He never came here last night after the feast.

Zarra: Are you sure he didn't just go off somewhere nearby to train and fell asleep?

Callio: I'm sure. Even Master Omega couldn't sense his energy and he's the strongest person I know.

This immediately put Zarra on high alert and he began to fly around the nearby forest and mountains trying to sense Gotenchi. He's thankful Master Omega taught him and Gotenchi the basics of flight allowing him to get around much easier.

Meanwhile Dr. Wheeler arrived at his Underground Laboratory and 6 and 7 locked Gotenchi in a Cryogenic Chamber.

The final thing Gotenchi heard as he awoke was the maniacal laugh of Dr. Wheeler.

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