Chapter 6: The First Round Commences

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Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the first match in the first round of the Martial Arts World Cup!

Announcer: Introducing first! To my left, this is Zarra!

The crowd gives a lukewarm welcome, slightly annoying Zarra.

Zarra: I don't need their support anyway.

Announcer: And to my right, this is Oni!

Oni gets a few more cheers than Zarra as he bows to his opponent.

Oni: I'll take all the support I can get!

Announcer: BEGIN!!!

Zarra immediately goes on the offensive, hoping to finish this fight as quickly as possible while Oni tries to work around the power disadvantage, dodging and blocking all of Zarra's strikes. He begins to use one of his secret techniques and seemingly moves before Zarra can fully comprehend his movements and throws strikes too late.

Zarra: How is he doing this? I can barely see his movements and I need to counter him somehow.

Zarra begins launching Ki Blasts all around himself and Oni with the goal of countering Oni's speed and forcing him into a chokepoint.

Gotenchi: How is Oni moving so fast Master?

Omega: Well he did train with me in preparation for the tournament, but he also seems to have developed a technique on his own. It seems to allow him to create copies of himself at the cost of power which allows him to move secretly while Zarra attacks the copy. It makes it appear as if he is moving faster than Zarra can keep up with.

Gotenchi: I see. So he creates a copy then counters while Zarra destroys the copy by striking it which would then return his power from the copy being destroyed?

Omega: Precisely!

Zarra finally stopped launching Ki Blasts, leaving the entire ring and arena sky covered in yellow balls of ki.

Oni: So what's your plan here Zarra?

Zarra: Well. You can dodge all of these blasts, can you? Try to dodge one and you'll just get hit by another Oni!

Oni: I see. That won't work on me, Zarra!

Oni then strikes Zarra from behind without Zarra even seeing him move until he sees the vision of Oni disappear in front of him.

Zarra: A copy? Or a vision? Ho- how did you do that Oni?

Oni: You think I haven't been developing my own power and techniques? I told you I had something up my sleeve.

Zarra: I see...well, I suppose that'll do.

Oni: What?

Before Oni can even react by using his copy technique, Zarra grabs him holding on as he has all of the Ki Blasts collide on Oni and himself

Oni: You idiot Zarra!

The blasts all hit them but Zarra is the one that remains conscious and standing when he lets go of Oni who falls to the ring floor and fails the ten count.

Announcer: You're winner by knockout! ZARRA!!!

This time the crowd cheers after seeing a fantastic fight and move by Zarra, who smiles and bows before stumbling over to the downed Oni.

Gallue: That's certainly a way to end things.

Omega: It was risky, but Zarra has always been known to take risks in his fights. He is the most unpredictable of my students.

Zarra helps Oni to his feet after he wakes up and they walk to the backstage area.

Callio: You guys did great!

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