Chapter 20

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I get up right away. And right now I wish I hadn't. It was another team!
And a knife was being shoved into Zeek's throat.
I scream.
And then a girl comes running up to me with a dagger in her hand. she was about a year older than me, yet I was still stronger. As soon as she is about a foot away, I throw a punch. It hit her right in the nose.
This didn't stop her.  It just made her more angry!
She charges again at me again. This time I grab her wrists. She tries to push forward but she's too weak. Then her face goes straight and goes really pale. I notice a knife in her throat. She falls to the ground dead. I turn to see who threw it.
"Thank you." I gasp.
He just nods and turns away. I don't blame him. He just took a life. Broke the girl's family's hearts.
I turn to look at Zeek. He has blood seeping out of his mouth and neck.
I want to turn away, but I can't.
I just can't.
Zed is crying beside him. I can't even dream what he feels like. It would be so hard. I can't imagine losing Rom or Reb or Robin.
I walk up to Zed and put a hand on his shoulder.
Suddenly a giant drone comes flying down.
Just as suddenly a giant claw comes down and picks up the girl and a beep sounds on my watch.
The girl's face shows up. Underneath the picture is the name, "Sky Willson."
Then the picture disappears and Faun's face shows up.  Underneath it says his name and how he killed Sky.
Then a gust of wind comes by and we all look up and see the drone hovering closer to us.
"Time to say goodbye." Leah says to Zed.
Zed slowly nods and kisses his brother's forehead and backs away. Then the claw comes down and picks Zeek's body up. Then my watch beeps again, with Zeek's face and name on it. And then anger fills my body when I see the picture. I haven't seen him before but I feel tons of hate for him.
His name was Owen Hallo.
And I hate him.
"What time is it?" Nichole asks.
I check my watch,
"Thanks." Nichole responds.
I nod.
After about two minutes of talking about what we should do now, something crazy happens.
Everything around us turns to pixels.
"What the hell is happening!" I think Mackenzie yells!
I just stare in silence. It goes on for about thirty seconds then everything goes into place. We are in mountainous lands.
I check our watch. It was about 1:00. Wow.
We just stand there in awe of what happened.
"Ok I don't know about everyone else but, I need some sleep." Domini says.
"Yes!" Selena agrees.
"Goodnight." Nichole adds.
"Remember to pray for Zeek." Mackenzie reminds us.
"Yup, I'm really sorry Zed." Leah says.
"It's fine. It's not like I wasn't prepared for something like that to happen." Zed says sadly.
I nod, "Thanks Faun for helping me."
Faun nods back.
I fall asleep quickly that night.
And awake to a big day ahead of me.

Sorry I haven't been updating lately, 😁😁😁.
I have a half day of school left!!!!!!!
Why a half day!!!!
I got my exam back and I didn't do too bad, I got a 91% ok I know it's not amazing. but I did my best lol.
Thanks for reading!!!

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