Chapter 6

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My bags are packed. I had my last meal with my family. I am waiting at my front door with my family. "Does she have to go?" Rebel asks.

Mum solemnly nods her head. Suddenly dad comes running from the house. "Destiny! Destiny, I found it."

He is holding a small letter. He handed it to me. I opened it. It only has a few words.

Meet us at the end of Princess Rose street.

"I have to walk to the end of Princess Rose street."

"Rich Man Road! Well I guess you have to." My dad says.

"Just stay away from that Isabelle kid." My mom says.

"Isabella, and I will."

"Ok just..." my mom says and starts choking up.

"You're not going to go crying on me now are you?"

She shook her head. I wrap my arms around her. "Take care of dad he is always you know, worrying."

Then I go to dad, "Take care of mum, she is on the edge."

Then I go to Rom, I hug him, "Take care of mum and dad, and Rebel and Robin."

"I will, and you take care of yourself."

"I will." I say back.

I go up to Rebel, "Hey buddy, take care of everyone for me."

"I will, and can I beat up Rom."


Then I go up to Robin. "There's my big girl." I say playfully.

She opens up her arms for a hug, and I take it, take care of Rom, " oh and help Reb beat up Rom."

She smiles and nods. I walk away and wave. Then the thought occurs to me that this may be the last time I see them. I walk for a while untill l I reach Princess Rose road. I was going to be there in five minutes. "Hey where do think you're going." I high pitch voice says. Isabella. She is alone.

"Where's your gang?" I ask.

She just scowls at me. All of a sudden she shouts and cursing at me. Something about Skandar and stealing. "Whoa, whoa, slow down."

She is red faced, "You like him don't you and you like him don't you."

"What..." I begin but get cut off.

"Skandar, you like Skandar, and he likes you!"

"What no, He's my friend, just my friend."

"He'd better be, and if I find if you are anything other than just friends, I will find you and kill you."

"Good luck with that." I say under my breath.

"What did you say to me?"


"Then be on your way."

I walk around her. And don't look back. I keep walking for another three minutes. Then a teenager comes in the middle of the street. It's Skandar. "I know." I say, "I'll protect, her."

"I know, but I'm going to warn you, she's stubborn, and I'm here to wish you luck."

"Why would I need luck from you?" I say playfully.

He raises his eyebrows. "I'm kidding, thanks." I say.

"You're kind of like her, Selena."

"Are you calling me stubborn?"

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