chapter 1

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Run. That is all I can do. Run. One thought keeps crossing by mind, what my father had told me. My life was going to change forever. I am to be taken from my family, from my twin brother, from my father, and my mother, from my little sister and brother. Only in a week! Oh, what am I going to do? Before my father could tell me where I will be going, I ran out of the house. I have been running for about fifteen to twenty minutes. I keep running for another five, then ten, then another ten. I run until I can't remember why I am. I finally ran out of energy and breath, and I collapse to my knees. I must have been running for about 20 km. wow. I did not know I could do that. I knew I could run a long time, but not without stretching. I finally catch my breath. I take a look at my surroundings. "Oh, no."

I am in Princess Rose Road but most call it Rich Man Road. I was in the meadow behind all the mansions, where all the rich kids hangout. It wouldn't be a problem if the "clique" leader had not been out there with the rest of her followers. One good thing, she has not seen me yet. I try to sneak by her. To get home but all of a sudden I trip and she yells, "Hey, Grice Gullin did really you, did you think you could sneak by, the Isabella Jordan milling?" Isabella lets out this high pitch laugh. She has this voice that a squirrel would have if it could talk. I am saying that she has a very high voice.

"It's Grace Gillian ." I snap back.

All these girls run over to me. I can hear them talking. "Yeah, did you really think that you could out smart her?" A low but still female voice snapped.

"How dare you talk to her like that?" A raspy voice says angrily. And shoves me over.

"Yeah, you're an idiot." A high voice said. Meany other voices chorus in, they say things like,

"You aren't anything compared to her."

"Why would you even come here, I know your stupid but not that stupid."

"Why she even here, her life is already bad."

"I bet she came here to see how we act and to see if she can become like us."

"Are you kidding, she will never be like us I mean look at her, really. She looks like a piece of sh..."

Finally, Isabella's voice broke all the conversations. "Everybody shut your faces and back off!"

As soon as she said that very first word all Isabella's followers backed away from me and stop their hurtful comments. She flicked her light brown hair out of her face. Her blue eyes are easy to spot. She seemed perfect. She would have been a lot better if she were kind. But she was walking up to me with this wicked smirk on her face like there was no other facial expression. "Do you need help up?" She asks. And puts out a hand. I look around. Everyone looks as confused as I do. All I can get out of my mouth is, "what?"

"Do you need help up?" she repeats.

I am confused, why would she want to help me? "Umm, ok." I finally get out.

I take her hand and she pulls me up. "Um, thanks."

Isabella does not respond right away. When she finally does, she says, "Confused you didn't I, well I obviously did, so anyway why are you here?"

I am so scared I can't even talk. I know I should not be intimidated by this girl, I outsize her by a lot. Well, I outsize a lot of people, I'm six feet tall. But I am scared. "Well, spit it out already."

"Come on, while we're still young and beautiful, well we are anyway." Isabella says, and as I expected everybody laughs.

"I took a wrong turn." Which is partly true.

"Ok an..." Before Isabella could finish a football hits her right in the head.

"Oww!" She screams.

"Oh sorry Bella." A male voice says.

I turn to see it was Skandar. He was one of the few that were actually nice to me. He mouths to me, "Run!"

So I do, I run as fast as I can away from Rich Man Road. I can't run that far because I just ran the same distance without stopping. So after I am far enough away I start walking, then I remember what the real problem was. I am going to be forced away from my family.

hey, I know this was a really bad chapter. just I've been really busy. two dogs, tons of homework, well, you got the picture. ;P


Ps I have no idea how to get the cast at the end of it so, FYI

Lindsay Hansen will be playing the part of Grace

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