Chapter 3

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I am in my room my father had just gave me my letter. On the front of the envelope it says, "PRIVATE FOR GRACE-ELLEN ROSEMARY GILLIAN'S EYES ONLY."

Whoa, fancy. Almost no one knows my full name. Only my parents, Family and I. Not even my teachers, they just think it is Grace Gillian. I hate when people call me by my full name. Gillian-Ellen Rosemary Gillian. Too long I think. Before I open the letter I look in the mirror. The same red hair down to my waist, right blue eyes, long legs, pink lips, long eyelashes, strong arms and a small, but not too small sized waist, at the moment I'm about six feet tall. Well, from my explaining I may seem pretty but to me I think otherwise. Any way I open the letter. It is written in hand writing.

April 3, 2325

Dear, Grace-Ellen Rosemary Gillian,

I know you must be startled. You are probably wondering where you are going, why are you being taken away from your family, what will you be doing, how will you be taken. To where you will be going. Well, all of your questions will be answered.

Grace, you have been one of the few children in the range of the age of ten to eight teen. Only 450 of you have been chosen out of every preteen and teenager in the world.

"But why", I think, "Why have I been chosen." Again they read my mind.

Why you may think, well we have the answer. There are a few reasons. One is that you are athletic. You are a fast runner.

I am not the fastest but I am one of them.

You are also smart. You are a great student. You are very brave. You are also caring, kind, good reputation, funny, and much more. But where you are about to go might change that.

I keep staring at that one sentence. Why would it change me? Why? I force myself to read on.

You will be taken to a place in a world that have always been there but has never been known to any other person except the government. It is called Nonsciatur, it is Latin for never known. And now you know. You must not tell this information. Any way that is not all.

You must be taken away from your family because, well it is obvious, and your family must not know anything about this.

We lied about one thing. We wanted you to feel better. But you will be taken in two days instead of Friday. You will be taken in the morning. Do not try and run away. You will be tracked down until you are found.

Finally, I will tell you why you are coming.

My heart is beating in my chest. So fast, I am sweating hard. I read on.

You will be taken to this place because you will be tested. You will be put in a forest with the others and play a game called Freeze tag. It may not seem bad. But you will come in with no supplies. You may be killed by exposure. Some may go mad. When I said that you come with no supplies. There will be supplies scattered around. Such as knives, spears, bow and arrows, more weapons, matches, water bottles, and more. At the end you may have to fight to the death.


Aaliyah Abbott.

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