Chapter 7

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Everyone looks to the person who brought them to the craft. I look to Mick. He started laughing. "Don't bloody wet your selves. We are just going 50 thousand km per hour."
"Just!" Faun Yells.
"Just there's nothing to worry about." Gus says obviously annoyed.
It would be fine but I am terrified of heights.
For about half an hour we all stay silent. Then the craft slows down and lands in a pod. Then Kenzie walks out. Her face was paler than the last time we saw her. Apparently I'm not the only one who is scared of heights. "All the chosens come with me and the trainers go to level nine." We all step out. We all take a look at our surroundings. Its tropical. There is a giant building right beside us. It is mostly made of stone and shillings at the top. It seems like we are in the middle of a rain Forest. "Follow me." Kenzie says.
We follow her into the building. It is giant. And is filled with stuff that would cost a millions of dollars. There where paintings covering the white walls, and the red carpet is perfect. I feel underdressed in a place as fancy as this. I'm wearing jeggings and my T shirt that says, "Never Give In," and running shoes, and my hair is done in a braid down my back. We follow Kenzie down the hall. The paintings are of former leaders of the land. We are led to a giant auditorium. Many people are already here. We are led to sit beside another group. They look like they are from china. I am in front so I sit beside them. The person I sit beside is a girl around my age. She isn't too tall, she is thin, and has black hair that goes about five inches below her shoulders. She is wearing a plaid shirt and yoga pants. Her hair isn't veryneat. She looks like she threw it into a ponytail. She doesn't look totally Chinese. Maybe part Pakistani. I sit down beside her. She looks at me. I smile at her. She smiles back. Lucky to have my extroverted personality I say, "Hey."
"Hey. Where did you come from?" she asks me.
"San Francisco California. You?"
"The border between Pakistan and China."
"Cool, what's your name." I ask.
"Leah Vong. How about you."
" Grace."
"So I guess kids from all over the world are here."
"Yep, kind of cool."
"Yeah, well..."
Leah was cut off by an announcement.
It was a computer animated Female voice. "Waiting for England Southwark. And Italy Prato."
"You were saying?" I ask.
"Well, I think where all here for a bad reason."
"Yeah there making us fight to the death for what reason?" I say.
"Yeah, there better be a good reason for this!" Leah says in a intimating voice.
Then the automated voice comes on again. "Prato Italy has arrived."
Then three people come through the door. One adult and two kids. Two boys. One looks fourteen, and the other my age.
Then the automated voice again. "Southwark England has arrived."
Then four people enter two boys and one girl. The girl has long straight black hair she is about seventeen years old. Then a young boy who is around twelve, with light red hair. And a tall, muscular, blonde haired boy, who looks about eighteen.
Then an adult comes, she looks Indian. She has long hair that goes down her back. She has brown eyes, and is about five, five. She is wearing a white shirt on and on the Breast pocketb in small letters it said, Nonsciatur. I could tell even though she was a bit far away.
"Hello, my name is Aaliyah Abbott."
She was the woman who wrote the letter to me.
"I am the second in command here, the leader is Elijah Dawn. But right now I am here in his place. There really isn't much to say. Well, welcome to Nonsciatur. You have landed in one of the many jungle areas. The weather is very strange here. If you travel about twenty Km from here, you will meet a snow forest. We are in a part of earth were the weather is quite strange. There are deserts, regular forests, mountains, jungles, marches, and meadows."
She goes on about what we already spoke about the teams, nothing that I already knew.
"There is a limit on what type of questions you are allowed to ask. Well, ok you can ask questions but, some I may not be allowed to answer."
A boy with a Japanese accent asks, "Will we be able to see our families again?"
"Well, you are allowed to write, I was against this .I believe that all the chosens should see them but there's really nothing I can do. Anyone else?" Aaliyah responds.
"When will we be you know, starting the game?" A girl with a Canadian accent asks.
"In a few months."
"If you survive, what will you do after?" This was asked my Leah.
"I apologize. I can't answer that."
"Where will we be staying?" a girl with a Ukrainian accent asks.
"With your group for now, when you pick your team you will stay with them. Anything else? I have time for one more."
"What will we be doing in the meantime?" A boy with an Australian accent asks.
"Training, now follow your leader to your dorms."

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