chapter 23

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To me you are already special


"I had no one. And that was usual for me our parents had died in an accident and one of my mom's brothers took care of both me and was fine until it wasn't he would come around late drink and abuse me a lot since Minsoo was still a young kid to know more so I had gone through it all"

"I wanted to escape from that hell and get out my sister from that monstrous place"

"I went on very different jobs and skipped most of the year so I could work and take minsoo out of the living hell that our own uncle had created"

"I did succeed by years of ky hard if work was paid off and I rented a small apartment but being around alot I never noticed what damage I had created on basis of getting off that home i completely ignored minsoo i had too much troubles that I ignored her and made her loose her childhood".

I never knew my own good thing to keep her safe would turn to be a poision to her... She hated me, saying i kept her away it's not like i intended to but my life was like that after some time of my hardwork paying off I started to go to the local schools to continue my education

"I did not have money to the better education for both Minsoo and I but my dad's sister who was in abroad had decided to help us after many years of taking care of us financially she told us she would help us both graduate high school though I only wanted minsoo to get into fine institute like this but she had the heart to care for me".

"After being settled down i tried to talk to Minsoo and finally be a good brother to her who take care of her but she ignored me and treated me like a stranger. Once we got into a big argument and she told me how abused she would get from her uncle when I was not around his she felt unloved and ignored in her childhood and that she would never forgive me well after hearing her i-i cannot even forgive my self-"

Minho started to cry as Jisung held his hand

"But- that was then Hyunjin came into her life I did not know what type of person Hyunjin was but his eyes were always looked like it was pleading for someone to hold him tight-"

"He looked broken and my sister was too so they both got connected I think but I also knew deep down it was one-sided Minsoo did like Hyunjin but Hyunjin was not sure about our own feelings well how could he when he was always looking at another person with so much love"

Minho stares at Jisung and sighs "I knew very damn well that Hyunjin was not fine but for my sister's happiness I let them be she looked so happy she felt loved by him"

"That was all I cared for"

"But-" Minho broke down "I-I could not forgive myself seeing Hyunjin's dead body that was found in the river why had he done this to himself"

"I blamed it on me because I knew very well where his happiness was but-but I -I kept my mouth shut I knew but I killed Hyunjin"

"I drank a lot and was ruining my life like an idiot-"

"And one day I had come home after a gamble wasting all the money that my aunt had given me...if only I did not go out that maybe-maybe something would have been changed"

"Maybe minsoo would be saved from taking her own life."

"I threw up and reached out for her feet her legs were cold my little sister was dead- and then"

"I tried to kill myself-"

Jisung's breath hitched when Minho spoke like he had no emotions in it

"Not once but multiple times but I was always saved by my stupid bestfriend chan and changbin"

"And they treated me and took care with my medication in the mental hospital for 6 years and when I got out I tried to kill myself again-"

"But in that process I also dragged another poor soul with me"

"Jisung'' he held Jisung's hand still his eyes covering with tears

"I am the reason why everyone is dead i am a parasite I killed Hyunjin minsoo and you are here because of me "

"I don't want to live-"

"Hyung" Jisung bend to his knees and hugged the older..."it's not you're fault it's no one fault''

"No ji no"

"No it's not-" Jisung pulls out of the hug and holds his face within his palms Hyunjins death nor minsoo's was you're fault,We were helpless we were immature and foolish we make mistakes but-but we are given a chance to redeem those lives maybe this time- we can try we should not give up hyung we must try we can't give up again"

Minho was moved by the determination that was held in Jisung's eyes

Jisung does not even know if he is even saving Hyunjin he does not know what he was even doing with his own life... Minho smiles "I knew it". Huh

"I knew this was right but my stubbornness would never- jisung-''

The ride stopped and both get out, Jisung looks at Minho waiting for him to tell him something

The night had cast it's shadow all over the world now and Jisung walks with Minho asking

"Is there something you want to do-

"Run away-*

Huh what does he mean he thinks

"Run away or I will steal you from Hyunjin, I am done with all, I don't care about the butterfly effect and more- fuck this" Minho ruffled his hair and looked over to Jisung

"Yes you are right we were given a chance to redeem our mistakes and save lives that is why we are back in time so- let's do it let's save lives"

"Hyung you-" Jisung eyes waters "you are doing this-"

"Go to Hyunjin now or I will really steal you from him"

"Thank you so much hyung" he hugged Minho for a short time and running off to a person he was sure a lot love in.

Jisung wasted no time in reaching thier appartment and he knocked over Hyunjins door

Hyunjin looked surprised by Jisung's presence

"Jisung what are you doing-"

"I have my answer, Hyunjin I do-"i-

"You what-?" Hyunjin asks feeling scared that Hyunjin would reject him since they were not in good terms these past weeks.

''J-jisung please think through it- i-i know I can't force you but please think it thoroughly before giving you're answers" Hyunjin was scared to loose Jisung

"I Love you"

'Huh' Hyunjin looks at Jisung still not believing what he said maybe he misunderstood the words maybe-

"I love you Hyunjin"


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