chapter 6

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I don't envy the pain. But I envy you the pain


"Hannie look at the view it's beautiful. just like you"

"Hyunjin you're going deep into the water come back!!" I shouted

Again again again

This nightmare

Why....why can't it stop

"Jisung everything here is so beautiful. I love it here''

This is where he drowns while I stand there still

I sigh

When will this loop end? I try to move my feet maybe today I can move

Wait. why does my body feel so light

I try to take a light step...I can move!!

when I was able to move I ran towards  Hyunjin

"Jisung" I tried to hold him "Yes Hyunjin" he holds me tight

He gives a large smile
"Let's drown together Jisung"

Hyunjin pulled me with eyes widen "What does he mean?"

Before I could even process what is going on he pulled me deep inside the water

"I can't breathe"


"I can't"

"I can't breathe"


"Let's be together Jisung"

The year 2026 "_______present________

I woke up screaming my forehead covered with cold sweat. I was terrified and also this was the first ever time I  had dreamt of moving and trying to help Hyunjin when all the time I dreamed...I  just stood there still ,then I remembered

So it is today

Hyunjin's death anniversary...

It's been 6 years now and still, I feel like Hyunjin is still there...still alive. if I go to Mrs Hwang's house now...I feel like I would meet Hyunjin who would sit on the sofa watching a drama

But in reality, Hyunjin was gone.


Far away from me

"I'm going out" I  said as I started putting on my shoes
"Jisung have some breakfast you didn't even eat dinner last night"

"I don't feel hungry mom"

"Why are acting like this? you're ignoring me since you have come...why!!"She let out a frustrated sigh as she looked at her son

"Mom" Jisung sighed how can he point out others' mistakes when he himself had done those a quite lot

Jisung sighed again leaving his mom alone in tears

His mind was clouded and he just wanted some peace he didn't know where he was going...he just felt he needed some time out all alone

He just let his feet move where they wanted to, he came across the park where he and Hyunjin last talked in high-school

Even the bus stand where he met Hyunjin before his death

He was feeling bitter as he walked off...Something feels so wrong.

The absent-minded Jisung bumped into a stranger

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