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After a while of simply cuddling in bed (yes i mean cuddling. you know who you are) Loki and Freya both got up. "We'll need to blend in with the Midgardians. You know their clothing style?" Freya smirked. "Dear, I lived with them for a year."

"Ah yes, the fond memories of getting the shit beat out of me by the Hulk."

"I'm still not used to hearing you curse in English."

"Nor am I, my love." Loki kissed his beloved's nose. He put his suit back on, and used his magic to change Freya into a Midgardian band T-shirt and some jeans. "Midgardians definitely have some odd clothing choices," Loki commented. Freya hummed in agreement as they walked out. As Loki was about to greet Thor, she caught sight of a hickey on his neck. "Loki!"

He turned around and she gestured to his neck. "Cover it up," she whispered. Loki blushed as he used an illusion to cover the hickey. "Too bad I have to cover up such magnificent art."

"You can take it down later. Thor would never let us hear the end of it."

Loki huffed and they met up with Thor. "We would have found Father yesterday if it wasn't for you two." Freya turned pink whilst Loki widened his eyes. He definitely knows, Freya thought, but then again, Loki probably had lovers before. She didn't dare say any of her thoughts out loud, Hel, Loki could probably read her thoughts anyway.

Walking to the end of the Bifrost, the trio met up with Heimdall. "Where to, Your Highnesses?" He asked kindly. "Wherever Loki has sent the Allfather."

"You'll want New York City, then."

Loki flinched at his words. He didn't have the fondest memories of the city. And Freya knew that, which is why she held onto his hand. "Thank you, my kærasta," he whispered. Freya nodded in response as she held onto him, the trio being sucked into the Bifrost.

They were immediately transported to the front of a nursing home--which was currently being demolished. "I swear I left him right here," Loki sighed. "On the sidewalk or where the building's being demolished? Great planning." Thor replied.

"It's not my fault. I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch."

"Oh? Then why do you dress like one?"

"Hey!" Loki whined. Freya held back a giggle as two girls came up to Thor. As they begged him for a picture, Loki held her hand. "Did you really not know?" She asked.

"Of course I didn't. I may have hated Odin's guts but I wouldn't do that."

As he finished his sentence, a bright orange portal of sorts opened up beneath Loki's feet. Both Freya and Thor looked at him confused. "This isn't me..." Then Loki proceeded to fall through the portal. A small business card was left in his absence. "Loki!" Thor hissed, poking the card.

After following the address on the card, Freya and Thor were faced with a large set of wooden doors. "Ladies first," Thor said. Freya rolled her eyes and knocked once, and then they found themselves inside.

"Thor Odinson and Freya Sørendottir..." A deep voice echoed. "Oi! You can stop being so menacing!" Freya called out. There was a heavy sigh heard from the other side of the room. Then the two found themselves in a library. "Tea?" The man asked. Thor shook his head. "I don't drink tea."

"Then what do you drink?"

"Not tea."

A mug of Asgardian ale appeared in Thor's hand. Freya accepted a cup of tea and sniffed it softly before drinking it. "How do you know I like ginger root tea?" She asked suspiciously. "I have my ways. Thor, my name is Dr. Stephen Strange, and I keep a watch list of beings that are a threat to this realm, your adopted brother Loki being one of them--"

"He is not a threat," Freya hissed and stood, but Thor kept a hand in front of her. "Excuse her. She is Loki's...beloved." The words escaped him for a moment. Stephen sighed and Thor explained why they were in New York City. "If I told you where Odin was, all parties concerned would leave promptly?"

"Promptly," Thor reassured him. "Gladly, he's in Norway." Stephen opened a portal to Norway. "Oh, and I'll be needing my brother back." Stephen nodded and opened a second portal. Freya and Thor both heard a subtle yell and then a thud, Loki flopping onto the floor. He flipped his hair out of his face and hissed, "I have been falling for thirty minutes!" Freya knelt beside him, helping him up.

Freya noticed Loki's expression was that of slight panic and fury. "Loki...look at me. Breathe," she said in a relaxing, quiet tone. His rage filled eyes softened as he looked at her. "I'm sorry, my love." He whispered and kissed her forehead. The trio walked through the portal and then were in Norway.

Freya shivered, the cold wind blew against her shoulders as they faced a cliff overlooking an ocean. Loki held Freya's hand, and put his suit jacket over her. "I don't get cold. Don't worry about me," he said. Freya scooted closer to him as they all saw the most unlikely sight. Odin, in Midgardian clothes, overlooking the ocean.

For the first time, Loki told Freya to stay back. She knew why though. This was a family affair. She caught sight of Thor panicking about something...and if he was worried? This wasn't good. Then she heard Odin say, "I love you, my sons." Sons. Plural. She saw tears beading in Loki's eyes. Then, Odin dissipated into golden sparkles, leaving this world and going to the next. No doubt he was going to join Frigga.

She came closer to them and saw small lightning bolts between Thor's fingers. "Brother-" Loki said in a warning tone. " did this..." Thor growled. Freya was about to intervene when she gasped, seeing a dark green and black portal open. From the portal, a woman emerged. She was wearing a dark green and black bodysuit, and she had long black hair. Both Thor and Loki changed into their armor, and Freya summoned her Valkyrie sword.

"So he's gone," the woman said, "it's a shame, I would've like to have seen that." Thor and Loki still looked wary. "Kneel," she said.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Kneel. Before your queen."

Lady Mischief (Book 3--Final Book in the Lady Mischief series)Where stories live. Discover now