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Freya walked into the main room to see Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man, wearing a red and white bodysuit with a helmet. "Oh, hey! You're Freya! Oh my god, I'm such a big fan of you! Hope talked all about you--" Scott gushed when she walked in. "Hope? Who's she?"

"My partner. She was supposed to pull me out of the Quantum realm before..."

"The snap?"

"Yeah. That."

The others were talking about time travel shit when Thor walked in. He had...changed. "Little sister!" He hiccuped. "Thor. You've...you look different."

"Well, that's what five years does to you."


Freya chose to set aside the obviously depressive state Thor was in, for they had much, much bigger fish to fry. He seemed cheery enough, although Freya knew all too well that he was masking his sadness. five points to you if you picked up the swiftie reference in that sentence.

They had Clint volunteer to do a test run of the time traveling. He strapped on a time GPS watch, the others chose to send him back to his house just before the snap happened. They brought him up on a platform, and then in a matter of a few moments, he was in the past. Then back. He was holding a baseball glove, and yelling his daughter's name. Nat immediately ran to him, asking if he was okay. "It worked. It worked."

After long debates over who would collect each Infinity stone, Freya was put on the Asgard team with Thor and Rocket. Which, she mainly got put on that team by threatening Tony with a violent death.

"Just because we've done this before, it doesn't mean we know what to expect. Keep an eye on each other. We'll do this. Whatever it takes," Cap said, giving the others a pep talk. "He's pretty good at this," Rocket said. Scott nodded eagerly and said, "I know, right?" They each tapped their watches and began to travel, Nat smiling. "See you in a minute."

The group each went their separate ways, Clint and Nat heading for Vormir, Rhodes and Nebula heading for Morag, Thor, Rocket and Freya heading for Asgard, and Bruce, Tony and Scott heading for New York City.

Freya knew just from the views and feeling of Asgard that they were in 2013. Her heart sank when she realized that this was the day Frigga died. And Thor seemed to know it too as he patted her shoulder. "It's okay, little sister. None of this was your fault." Freya sighed and sat on the brick wall. "Maybe...maybe I shouldn't have done this..."

"Freya, you're helping trillions of creatures by doing this. I know it's hard. But you are a strong woman, and an even stronger Valkyrie. Trust me when I say, you're the right person to do this."

She almost teared up at Thor's speech. She hugged him and whispered, "Thank you, Thor." He nodded, patting her back.

They split up, Thor going with Rocket to find the Aether hidden in the palace. Freya kept watch around the areas she was in. Then, she saw Loki in the cell, in which Thor and Rocket had just passed. She stopped for a moment, looking into his cell. Her heart stopped when she saw the frustrated look on Loki's face. She heard him mutter, "He doesn't love me at all...maybe Thanos should have finished the job."

Right as she was about to start sobbing, Thor and Rocket dragged her along, and she could see the Aether in their clutches. "C'mon! We gotta go!" Rocket yelled. They ran past some guards, hightailing it back to 2023.

Right about the time they arrived, everyone else arrived. Except for one Avenger.

"Clint. Where's Nat?"

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