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"I'm Hela. Goddess of Death," the woman said, smirking. Loki put his entire body in front of Freya, which didn't go unnoticed by Hela. "Who's this? She looks...weak." Loki's face turned pink with anger. "Don't you dare call her--" overprotective loki milove

"Brother. We have a bigger problem."

Loki sniffed angrily and backed down. "What do you want with us?" Thor asked carefully. Hela chuckled. "Kneel. Before your queen," she smirked. Thor shook his head. "I don't think so."


Hela hissed and she suddenly had a large horned helmet on her head. Two long swords came out of her palms, and she walked towards the trio. Loki looked up at the sky and yelled, "Bring us back!" The Bifrost came down from the skies, and Loki stepped in right after Freya, but it was too late. Hela had stepped in too, and she had her sights set on the Princes.

Loki threw daggers at Hela, but she managed to deflect them. One of which flew right into Freya's side, knocking her out of the Bifrost. "FUCK!" Loki screamed, knowing not where he was going as he threw himself out of the Bifrost. Hela continued to try and knock Thor off as well, and just before he reached Asgard, she threw him out of the Bifrost.

Freya opened her eyes, and she felt disoriented. She noticed the dagger still buried in her side. As much as it hurt, she knew better than to pull it out. Oh well. She'd find some sort of medic or healer and have them worry about it.

She stumbled across the sort of landfill she was in, and breathed deeply as she sat down, still clutching the wound. "Fuck..." She whispered, trailing off. Suddenly, the sound of jet engines were heard. Freya hid behind a pile of rubble and barely peeked out. There was a ship of sorts landing, and out from the ship came a woman with chocolate skin and black braids. "You can come out now. I don't bite."

How did she know?

Freya nervously came out, keeping a sharp eye on the woman. "Are you Asgardian?" The woman asked. " did you know?" Freya whispered.

"Asgardians have a certain air to them. And I'm Asgardian too. Or I was."


"Don't worry about that. Get in," she said in a commanding voice, gesturing to the ship. "Do I get your name, at least?"

"Only if I get yours."

The woman sighed. "My name is Brunhilde. And yours?" Freya cleared her throat. "Freya." Brunhilde nodded and closed the doors to the ship. She noticed the wound in Freya's side. "I have meds for that." Freya nodded and sat down as Brunhilde treated the wound. "Change the bandages every few hours. Once I bring you to the Capitol, I can get you seen by an actual medic."

"Right. Have you seen a tall, lanky man? Black hair, green eyes?"

"I think I picked him up a few hours ago. If I did, he'll be at the Capitol."

"And we're going there?"

"Yes. You'll need to be seen by the Grandmaster."

Freya didn't know who the hell the Grandmaster was, but she didn't argue. If she was going to be able to see Loki again, that was enough for her.

Lady Mischief (Book 3--Final Book in the Lady Mischief series)Where stories live. Discover now