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Did I die?

Is this Hel?

Where's Freya?

Where is she?

Loki awoke with a start, gasping for air. He looked around with a shallow breath, and cursed when he realized he was still in Svartalfheim. And he cursed some more when he realized Freya was gone. "Freya! Freya!" He shouted, hoping that she would somehow answer. There was only silence that followed.

Meanwhile, on Asgard, Freya awoke in Loki's chambers with a fright. A sudden pang in her chest made her run to Thor's chambers. She prayed to the Norns that he was fully clothed. Or at least in boxers.

She knocked on the door quietly and was met with a grunt. "Thor! Open the door!" She hissed quietly. Freya turned pink and looked away when she saw that Thor had nothing covering him. "What is it? Did you have another nightmare?"

"No. Kind of. I had the dream again."

"The one where Loki is alive?"

"Yes. And I...I had this strange pain in my chest when I woke up."

Thor's face turned grave. "Allow me ten minutes. Meet me in the library." Freya nodded and trotted off towards the library. It was somewhat of a walk from the family wing to the library.

Ten minutes later, Thor walked in wearing boxers and a velvet crimson robe. "You made me wonder if an ancient myth is actually truth."

"What do you mean?"

"If one's soulmate dies, or in some cases resurrected, the other will feel a tight pain in their chest."

"Like I did."

Freya's eyes brightened. "Is that it? D'you think Loki may still be alive?" She asked him excitedly. Thor held his breath. "He may be, but the only way to find out is to--"

And just like that, a flash of bright green light appeared.

He was back.

Tears rolled down Freya's cheeks as she fell to her knees. A light slap came from Thor as Loki held his arm. "My kærasta," he whispered as he held Freya in his arms. "Why--why would you ever do that?"

"You were in danger. I had to protect you."

"Next time let me die! You beautiful idiot!" She cried, slapping him with her slipper. "Ow! Yes, I get the point, dear!" He tried dodging her slipper. He kissed her all over her face, and then kissed her some more. "My Valkyrie, I really did have to protect you."

"Loki, you know it is my job to protect you. I am, as you said, your Valkyrie."

"Maybe I didn't want you to protect me." Loki whispered, and he kissed her once again on her neck. She nuzzled her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes. Thor hit Loki lightly with the book they had been looking at. "Brother, did you feel a dull pain in your chest? When you came back from the dead?" He asked. Loki nodded.


"Freya felt the same thing. We are thinking that...that the old soulmates myth may be truth."

"Norns, if only Mumma was here," he whispered. Freya, however, was starting to fall asleep in Loki's arms. He took notice of this and picked her up carefully. "If you don't mind, I'm bringing her to bed." Thor nodded, but before Loki walked out, he added, "I'm quite surprised you're clothed."

"Only for Freya, dear brother."

Loki chuckled quietly and walked back to his chambers. He set Freya down carefully and pulled his blankets over them. Freya, in a deep sleep, made a small content noise. Loki kissed her forehead and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Goodnight, my dear." Then, right before he fell asleep himself, Loki cast a small spell so that she would only have good dreams.

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