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A/n. Dear readers. I am sorry.

The next morning, Freya woke up to see Loki without her. "Loki?" She called out, but there was no answer. She noticed Thor's suite was empty as well. It wasn't much longer before she noticed a note on the dresser, along with a charm. An emerald charm. The note read...

My kærasta,

I deeply apologize for doing this. Asgard is in danger, and I simply cannot allow you to fight. Thor, Brunhilde and I have left, and by the time you read this, we'll most likely have left Sakaar. Again, I am truly sorry. I wish I could have brought you with us. Know that even though we are apart, I love you more than anything.

Your Loki~

Freya's eyes filled with angry tears as she tore the letter in half, her cheeks hot. ", he didn't. That bastard!" She spat. Without even bothering to change out of her nightdress, Freya tied her hair in a rough ponytail and started towards the hangar, where the Grandmaster kept his ships.

Fortunately, Loki was at least there.

Thor pointed in her direction nervously and Loki turned around. Before he could get one word out, Freya slapped him across the face. "My darling, I--"

"Loki Odinson. How dare you leave without saying--"

"I know, my love. I know."

"No. You don't know. Quit acting like I'm the greatest thing that ever happened to you, because clearly I'm not."

"Freya, please! I never wanted to leave without you, I did it for your safety!"

"And leave me with that asshole?! Assuring me that everything will be okay when our home is being destroyed by your sister?!"

That one comment hit Loki, and it hit him hard. Why did he care so much when he only got one glimpse at Hela? Loki opened his mouth to say something, anything, but when he saw the look on Freya's face, he frowned. "Let's go, Thor." Freya hissed, knocking even Brunhilde off guard. They piled in a few ships, Loki and Thor in one ship, Brunhilde, Freya, and a newly healed Bruce in the other.

Brunhilde piloted the ship, a well trained pilot. She sat next to Freya, who looked out the window with tears in her eyes. "He's only trying to protect you, you know..."

"He could have at least went about it better."

"I won't argue with you about that."

Freya bit her tongue and sighed deeply. Why couldn't she give up on Loki? She knew why. Because he wouldn't give up on her.

Meanwhile, in the other ship, both Thor and Loki were silent. That was, until Loki spoke up and said quietly, "Thor, do you think I'm a bad boyfriend?" Thor scoffed and shook his head. "No. These things are...complicated. But I'm not the best person to be asked that since I don't have a lady to call my own."

"I feel like Freya hates me."

"She's going through a lot right now, brother. She'll come around, don't you worry."

"You really think she will?"

"She doesn't hate you. She's just...mad."

"But why?"

"Loki, women are complicated. I've given up on trying to understand them."

Loki scoffed. His brother was little help. And Freya felt the same way with Brunhilde. Had none of them had fights with their significant others before? But there was one thing Freya knew. One more slip up, and she was done with Loki. And somehow even though they weren't even in the same aircraft together, Loki knew it too.

They arrived on Asgard and they all saw it was...not looking good. The group disembarked from the aircrafts and Loki immediately stepped in front of Freya. "Loki, we talked about this."

"I don't care. Hate me if you want, I'm not letting you fight."

"Hela will overpower you. She'll kill you, you need me."

Tears formed in Loki's eyes. "No. I don't need you." Freya's soft doe eyes widened at his words. "Go. Get out of here. I don't need you anymore." Freya's lip shook as she got back in one of the aircraft. "You made your point clear the first time." And just like that, she saw her Loki leave. And she never got to say that she still loved him.

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