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Simons Pov:

Once i drank all of the contents of the bottle, i felt, no different? i don't know what i was expecting, i knew there wasn't going to be an instant reac-

when did the room get so, so cold? the sensation of the world around me hit like a ton of bricks, i could feel every fiber of clothing on me all at once, everything in sight was so much clearer, not to mention my smell, i could smell the fresh air of the snowy garden along with the smell of sweat and must? (witch i can presume to just be fionna) what ever was in that bottle was working, it was close to overstimulating though.

"simon?"the sound echoed in to the room

the name practically rattled in my skull, everything was so much louder then before

"dear?" the winter king said again this time with slight worry in his voice.

"s-sorry i just uhh wasn't expecting, that" i muttered in caution not to be to loud, due to my senses.

from the way i answered, the winter king almost lit up inside as if that where the answer he was longing for. For a few minuets we both sat in silence, i was still trying to take in everything, trying to make sense of the now enhanced world im in, on the other hand the winter king just studied me, continuously looking me up and down as if to burn my image into his retinas. once the 3 ish minuets passed he got off of the counter he was sitting on, stud up, walked in front of me then crouched down slightly to meet my eyes with his. He moves is hand forward to touch mine,

"how dose this feel?" the king said in a questioning tone

instead of an answer i just squeezed my eyes shut, the feeling of skin on skin with the potion in affect felt, exhilarating to say the least, i hadn't actually felt someone elses touch in so long. Even with my eyes shut I could feel his gaze, examining my reactions. As he went on to  touch my hand he soon let his drift up my arm, lifting my sleeve up in the process, I started to get used to the feeling of the cold gliding up and down my arm, with this i unclenched my eyes, looking to my arm then up slightly to look at the winter king. What I nor no one was expecting was him to grab my cheek with his other hand, caressing it. Our eyes locked and for a second I forgot where I was, the snowy white of his eyes, with the pale blue of his face not to mention the silky white hair almost untainted by time, it was as he himself was forever in his prime. With every mental note I took on his appearance, I started to realize something, he hadn't look a day over what, late 30's at worst? and it may be the heels but he's just so much taller, along with the buttery smooth voice. How is he a Simon? We are nothing alike, And just to solidify my theory he leans in closely, mere inches away then,

kisses me


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