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Winter kings pov:

thank glob where finally here, that walk was so, awkward. Now that we can start our day properly, I'll have the ice scouts cook up something to over the top he'll just have to forget our convo!

"fair fionna? what are they doing?" I said now realizing they where busy with a task I did not give them.

"Oh there making pancakes!" She bleared out in excitement "hmmm my favorite" cake chimed in.

just wonderful, a mediocre breakfast just for my dearest Simon to dwell over, OOO, I have an idea. what if me and him relax wile having breakfast in bed? Your so smart! I know I am.

"Simon! Come with me." I say wile dragging him up the grand stairs and through the long halls back to my bedroom.

Once in the doorway of the room I look back at Simon, he looks at the room with a blank face then slowly he looks at me, I take this as an ok a sorts and yank his arm towards the bed, resulting in him thrown onto the bed. With the same motion I spin as theatrical as possible and thus throw myself onto the mattress. i start to adjust myself sliding my head onto one of the pillows, i see simon doing the same, also fixing is now slightly disheveled hair.

"why are we here?" simon said still fixing his hair

"to have breakfast silly!" i said joyfully

after answering his question i raise both on my hands and clap twice almost instantly the ice scouts appear. The aroma of freshly baked and cooked food filles the room, one of the ice scouts are holding a tray of food, simon now just getting settled has a tray being propped up over him. Plats apon plates of various things where there, eggs, bacon, toast you name it, it was there, and just like they had came, they left. i didnt bother eating, i could just snack on somthing later, the real treat was seeing simon enjoy himself for once, not to mention if all gos well I can go to phase two.

"uhh " simon said a little confused, still exempting to find a comfortable position on the bed, now not trying to nock over the tray.

"indulge yourself dear! i had is specially prepared for you" i say in a jolly tone

"ah, well thank you i was getting a bit hungry after the kidnaping thing, hehe" he said laughing weakly

he proceeds to pick up one of the nicely assorted forks, picking up something on his plat, thus plopping it into his mouth.

"oh glob! this is heavenly!" he said mid bit

"So we do have the same taste" I mumbled to myself

"Huh? You say somthin?" he said with a mouth full of food

"Nothing dear, you in joy yourself, I'm going to go and check up on the girls" I say sliding my legs off the bed, turning myself away from Simon prompting me to standing up.

"But we just got here-" he stoped himself mid sentence "never mind" I turned his head away from me and continued eating happily


Winter King x SimonWhere stories live. Discover now