Halloween (Halloween+2k special)

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AN: Really sorry its short guys. btw dream is so cute in the fanart!

George awoke with a happy grin. He knew what the day was, and this was the only day he could actually wake up in less than an hour. Halloween!

Shoving his smiling face into Dream's bare chest, he whispered, "Hey, baby. Today is Halloween!"

Dream awoke slowly and quietly, blinking sleepily until his lovers face became less blurry. "Hey, love. Morning."

George buried his face deeper, grinning insanely happy. What could be better? It was Halloween, and he was with Dream. The answer is nothing could be better. Whispering so he didn't upset Dream's sleepy ears, he sat up and crawled out of bed. "I'm gonna get dressed."

Once George came back, Dream was standing in the middle of the room, shirtless, staring at George. Giggling, George approached Dream and gave him a quick kiss. "What?"

Dream continued to stare, not even blinking. George waved a hand in front of his face, laughing. "Dreeeaaammmmm?"

That seemed to shock him down to reality. Smirking, Dream pulled George into a sweet embrace. "You're just so pretty."

That reduced George to a blushing and stuttering mess. No fair he could do that to him in only four words! "I'm not, though."

Turning away after giving George a kiss again, he threw over his shoulder. "Oh yes you are! I win!" Before entering the closet.

George wasn't ready to accept defeat, though. He went behind Dream, giving him a hug around his waist, and murmured in his ear, "You should leave the shirt off. I like shirtless you."

He could practically feel Dream's cheeks flare up. But, before George could see his face, he gently shoved him out of the closet. "Nope!"

Pumping his fist in a half-victory, George laughed. 

The day passed relatively quick, the couple watching scary movies for a good part of the day. Well... Dream watched scary movies. George hid behind his arm and refused to watch for at least 80% of each movie. "Scared, Georgie?" Dream teased.

Peeking out from behind Dream's arm, George indignantly retorted. "No! I just don't want to watch, that's all."

Dream sarcastically agreed. "Mmmmhm, okay, totally, whatever you say, baby."

For Halloween, the couple decided to be a football player, and a referee. One, because it was easy. Two, they both had the builds for it. And three, George thought Dream looked hot in a football jersey.

"Come out on three! One, two, three!"

They brunette and dirty blond stepped out of their respective closets on three. Oh, how I could get used to this! George thought.

Dream was wearing a lime green and pale blue jersey, with a number two on the back. The word "Taken" on the back was for two things. One, that was Dream's last name, and two, he was, well, taken. He also had the shoulder pads on. George thought he looked like the most attractive man alive. Honestly, that kinda explained why he was ogling at him.

George was wearing the classic black and white hat, shorts, and shirt. He also had a whistle, to which Dream jokingly asked, "Do we trust him with it?" (answer is no-)

To Dream, George was the prettiest human on Earth. To put it frankly, both men were completely head over heels for the other. "I'd be an amazing ref!" Dream gleefully shouted out.

George snorted, "Yeah. You'd have so many horrible calls! And don't even say you are a better football player, we both already know it." George shivered, remembering his one time playing football. Stepping out and meeting in the middle, George cupped Dream's face with his hand.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds... TWEEEEEET! Dream dropped the whistle out of his mouth, laughing hysterically. "HANDS OFF THE PROPERTY!"

Glancing down fondly at the man, George started laughing too. After all, if Dream was happy, so was he. This time, Dream grabbing George's face, they shared a soft kiss. On the floor, of course. Staring into each others eyes, the moment was sweet.

"I'd still be a better ref than you." 

AN: sorry this one is short, im rlly confused abt ppl rn and need help 😭😭

im sorry its so short!! Halloween and 2.8k special (TYSM I LOVE U ALL SMMMMM!) keep commenting, it means the world to me!

Happy halloween! (or whatever else u celebrate!)

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