•Baseball Boy•

636 15 111

George hated baseball.

Bad nudged him excitedly, pointing at the field with more enthusiasm than George could muster. He didn't get why it was so thrilling. All it was was people throwing around a ball and trying not to get touched.

Bad had dragged George along to a professional baseball game because his boyfriend Skeppy was playing.

George sighed. This was probably the most boring thing ever. "Isn't this exciting?!" Bad was almost shaking with barely restrained energy.

"No. It's lame. And they suck, no offense." George didn't know how to say it nicely. The other team was up 5-0 and his team was definitely not catching up anytime soon.

"You truly don't understand." He shook his head, amused, but went back to watching the game.

"Enlighten me, O master." George sarcastically replied.

Bad didn't answer, keeping his undivided attention to the game.

George huffed, grabbing the program Bad had next to him.

Quackity-38-second baseman
Tommy-47-short stop
Tubbo-54-center outfielder
Techno-10-first baseman
Karl-5-right outfielder
Skeppy-49-left outfielder
Callahan-15-second baseman

George didn't bother to read the other teams' page, as he clearly didn't give a rats ass about it. It was pretty much a miracle he read the home teams' page. Boredom does strange things.

What George didn't notice was that everyone was in a completely different position than what the program had said. Number 15 was pitching. He didn't look comfortable at all, pitching a whopping 50-60 repeatedly. Number 54 was catching, and although it was a valiant effort, he quite frankly was struggling. He looked slightly terrified of the balls being ungracefully whipped at his face 55 miles per hour.

Number 2 was the absolute worst, by far. He was playing shortstop... well, attempting to play it. He missed every ball that came his way, and when he very, very rarely got it, he would throw it to a base with no players going or leaving. It was painful to watch.

The Feral Boi's had a lot of hype. (How?) There were so many fans in the stands, you would have thought they would have at least been decent.

Haha, wrong.

They sucked. And that was putting it nicely.

It was 5-0, in the other teams' favor. The Feral Boi's were sluggish and barely looked like they knew how to play their positions adequately. It was sad. George put his head in his hands, not noticing he was one of the only upset ones. Some looked sympathetic, some mouthed to the others, "new fan".

Once the 6th inning had ended, (now 10-0) the coach had called a time. As the players ran in to their coach, you could see the excitement radiating off of them, although it wasn't very visible. There was literally nothing to be excited about, unless they were in a bet to see how much they could lose by.

"Let's hope this picks up now, 'cause this is possibly the most boring game I've ever had the displeasure of watching." George groaned.

"Oh, don't worry. It will." Bad sounded very sure of himself, so George shrugged and sat back, ready for some action.

Gazing around, he noticed how other fans were starting to get excited also. Why?

Oneshots! (DNF {dreamnotfound})Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora