Jealousy (1k special)

527 13 36

This one is kinda angsty ig. TW: Loads of self loathing and hate and stuff like taht, maybe even suicidal thoughts. Don't read if it bothers you.

"Dreaaaaammmmm!!" George called up the stairs to his friend, after breaking and entering.

A little background information here, George had invited Dream to dinner for Dream's birthday. George was supposed to meet Dream at his house, and then Dream would drive them from there. Except, his friend hadn't met him outside.

It was no secret to most people that Dream was attracted to George. Everyone knew, except George himself. Anyway, back to the story.

 George frowned. Where was Dream? Not that they would be late, George had come early in case anything happened. But Dream wasn't answering his phone, hence the breaking and entering. What? Guess he shouldn't have told George where the spare key was. 

Sighing and plodding up the steps, George knocked on his friends' door. 


Dream wiped his eyes and attempted to fix his hair after hearing George knock on his door. Smiling weakly at the mirror and immediately getting upset again, he doused his face in freezing water repeatedly.

Today was.. y'know, one of those days. One of those days where you hate everything about yourself and wish you never existed. And, of course, what better day than his birthday??

Bracing himself, he opened the door to his bathroom and opened his bedroom door, discreetly wiping his eyes again. "Dream? You okay?" George's big brown eyes looked up at him.

Those eyes were his weakness. Cringing and looking away, he steeled himself and gave an empty eyed smile. "Hey! Yeah, sorry, I just got distracted. Ready?"

At George's hesitant nod, the men made their way down to the kitchen and to Dream's car. 

Noticing George staring at him worriedly, he knew he had to be happier. It was his birthday, after all!


Dream wasn't right. 

At least, he wasn't right now. 

George noticed the red rimmed eyes and dried tear tracks down his friends' cheeks. He had been crying that much was obvious. 

"You sure you're okay?" He asked softly.

At Dream's slight nod, he continued with a bit more pep. "I put your present on your bed!"


The ride was at least an hour and a half long, and he couldn't stay silent for the whole time. "Really?"

George was delighted that Dream was talking, and he wasn't about to let Dream stop. "That ruins the point of the present, silly."

Dream laughed, feeling a bit better. Everything was better around George. "That's true."

Now George was determined to keep him talking. "I really like your shirt! The color looks great on you."

No. Every color on me is ugly. I'm ugly. I'm fat and no one likes me. I don't even know why I try. I hate myself. I'm useless. I should just end it.

 Dream went silent, overwhelmed with the stupid voice in his head, screaming horrid things at him. His eyes filled with tears and one lonely tear started making a track down the side of his face. 

George now noticed. "I'm sorry! Oh, god, I'm sorry, was it something I said?"

Dream shook his head. Eyes on the road. Eyes on the road. His mantra was repeated thousands of times. "It's nothing, George." His thoughts got the better of him. "I-I'm nothing." 

His hoarse voice startled George. Dream, 6'2, hottest man alive, thought he was nothing?

George immediately knew what it was. Dream used to have issues with self hate and depression when he was younger, and it obviously hadn't gone away as he had thought. What do you say in a situation like this?


Dream looked sideways at George through blurry vision. "No?"

"No." Now George was determined. "Dream, you are not nothing. You are the kindest, most caring man alive. I don't know where these thoughts are coming from, but none of them are true." George was feeling brave. "You have no idea how much I love every little thing about you. Your freckles. Your ADHD. Your personality. Everything. Do you hear me?"

Although it wasn't much, it helped. Lots. Dream had always wanted to hear his own affections returned from the British boy. "Y-you really t-think so?"

George grabbed Dream's hand that wasn't on the wheel and intertwined their fingers. Pressing a small kiss to Dream's knuckle, he whispered. "I know so."

Sometimes a few words make a big difference.

AN: Heyyyy! Sorry lmao school is annnnooyyyyyying

I figured, why not try to get one out tonight? Why does Wattpad hate me lollll I can't publish thisssssssss

oh wait there we go

Edit: I tried publishing this so I refreshed my page and it said "Untitled draft 1" and I literally panicked and oh god

... you guys are freaking nuts... ONE THOUSAND READS??? This is amazing. I love you all so much!

If u have any requests, leave them here! ---->

I might start a oneshot book for another ship. I have a couple in mind, which one? Sokeefe (Sophie and Keefe from Keeper of the Lost Cities) Javery (Jameson and Avery from The Inheritance Games)  or Elias and Laia from An Ember in the Ashes!


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