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Dream and Sapnap burst into laughter. "I'm gonna go to the studio today with Sapnap." He carefully enunciated every word slowly.

"Why?" George questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Sapnap gave George an exasperated look. "Your little boyfriend sings, George. Have you not listened to any of his music?" Dream shouted a quick 'hey!'

To be honest, George hadn't. Although he desperately wanted to, he had never heard Dream sing. Dream didn't like it when people listened in close proximity to him. For some reason, he sorta disliked his voice. George has never thought too much of it.

The Dream Team was in their shared living room, surrounded by Christmas decorations. Why do they have Christmas decorations still up, you ask?

No one fucking knows. Not even their friends. But whatever keeps them happy, I guess.

"Why are you going, Sapnap?" George asked, slightly upset Sapnap might be able to hear Dream sing before George himself did.

Sapnap shrugged halfheartedly. "I dunno. I just asked if I could go and watch Dream. I find it interesting." He quickly added, "Not that I want to be in the business, honestly."

George knew he was telling the truth. Although that didn't matter, what mattered is that they were leaving him. "Why can't I go? Please?"

Dream sighed. "George, I don't wanna let you down. Sapnap has literally no expectations for himself or others. I don't know what yours are and if you'll be upset. I don't want you to be disappointed in me."

George was confused. "Expectations? I have no expectations! And if I did, you are already way above them. You could never disappoint me. I love you."

Dream wrapped George in a hug and pressed a loving kiss to his lips. "HEY! I WANNA GO NOW!" Sapnap yelled, covering his eyes. "PG13 ONLY PLEASE. AAAGGHH!"

George and Dream laughed at their friends childishness. "Do you really want to come? It's just going to be me singing my other songs a bit and then a bit of working on another."

George grinned, happy he convinced him. "Yay! I really do, Dream. I've never heard you sing before."

Dream chuckled nervously. "I'm not that good, George." Sapnap was behind his shoulder mouthing 'he is really good'.

"Onwards, then!" Dream snatched the car keys and made his way to the car. "Last one to the car gets the back seat!"

George and Sapnap sprinted to the car, George making fun of Sapnap as he hopped in the front. "You suck, George."

"Not my fault you're slow." That caused Sapnap to be set off. Listening to his boyfriend and best friend argue the WHOLE FREAKING WAY to the studio was both relaxing and irritating. Mostly funny.

Parking the car and stopping the boys, he got out of the car. "Here we are!"

They had parked in front of a small building, labeled 'Studio'. Yep. That was it. Dream laughed at the faces of the other two.

"They is where you are always going?" George asked in awe.

"Mostly, yeah. Guys, c'mon, I suck. Why do you want to come?" Dream shrugged, slightly confused on why they were shocked. He was still trying to convince them they didn't need to come.

Outwards, Dream was calm and normal. But inwards? He was panicking. He really didn't wanna sing in front of George. Or Sapnap, for that matter. Dream figured he had a.. decent, singing voice, but that didn't mean he liked it. He loved singing, truly, but in front of people? That's why he was a faceless creator for so long. Opening the door for them, he followed inside and took the lead. Dream walked down the many hallways, finally making it to one room. "Here's where I usually record."

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