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In another SUV of the same kind, you saw Mr Harris. Six other men stood around the car, four of them wearing bulletproof vests with big yellow letters on the back and front.

DEA, fitting the new information you involuntarily received about your husband today.

The other two men probably belonged to Ghost and his comrade, one wearing a bucket hat and the other a base cap. The older man waved at you, and you felt caught staring, but you still waved back hesitantly.

Behind the SUV's you spotted two Jeeps, and you huffed at how obvious it was which type of car belonged to which group, and you tried imagining Ghost and the Scottish guy in one of these huge, expensive, and bulletproof SUV's.

When Ghost's comrade opened the car door, two DEA agents separated from the group and took over watching the other SUV, Mike seated and strapped in the backseat with a grumpy expression on his face, like a toddler being told off.

Disbelief spread in your chest but no, this was absolutely happening right now.

"I feel like I'm on the set of a crime show", you commented as Ghost made his way towards you, the rest of his team following not far behind, now that both suspects were secured.

"I know", he said softly before the others were within earshot.

You smiled up at him and then you greeted the other men with the same smile, only that your eyes turned from adoration to general friendliness as soon as they left his.

Ghost introduced you to Sergeant John MacTavish, who definitely had the most interesting callsign among them, Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, and their Captain Jonathan Price, who insisted that you were allowed to call him John.

"What's happening now?", you asked carefully after the formalities were dealt with.

"DEA takes them, and they'll be interrogated. Ghost told us that you didn't know anything about your husband's double life, but you'll still have to answer some questions", John explained.

"Yes, of course. Not a problem at all", you ensured him.

Anything to make sure they would stay locked up.

"I was also informed about the situation with your parents...", the Captain started, and Gaz fished a piece of paper out of one of his vest pockets before handing it to you.

You opened it slowly and looked at the address written on it, wondering what it had to do with your parents.

The pad of your thumb traced the outline of the words mindlessly, while John kept talking.

"Your parents moved after your... funeral. We know someone, and she found their new address for you. Wasn't too hard."

You choked back tears, the memory of how you left your parents behind and what Mike had done to them becoming prevalent again, nearly overshadowing the joy of having these people who barely knew you helping you to make things right.

"Thank you", you croaked out, immediately clearing your throat after, not wanting to cry in front of the four hardened soldiers on your doorstep.

John gave your shoulder a friendly nudge, correctly assuming that you needed cheering up, and you sent him a meek smile.

"Sorry guys, I think we gotta go", Gaz chimed in, motioning towards the impatient looking DEA agents tapping the roof of their cars.

"Be there in five", Ghost said, and Price nodded.

Him, Soap and Gaz said their goodbyes, and you felt the urge to thank them again, multiple times if needed, but in the end you settled on doing it once to not suffocate them with gratitude.

The Masks in Your Life (Ghost x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz