t h r e e

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"I'm serious, you need to go!", you snapped.

Ghost grinned under his balaclava, then he made his way to the kitchen window, turning the handle before jumping over the ledge in one swift movement.

You were glad that he didn't use the front door because he would have walked right into your husband stepping over the shards of glass.

"Babe?", he yelled from the door.

You had no excuse for the mess yet, and he would definitely ask about that first.

"In the kitchen", you yelled back with a surprisingly steady voice.

"What on earth happened here?"

He stepped into the kitchen and walked straight to the fridge, clearly directly looking at your bandaged hand without acknowledging it.

"I emptied out some leftovers in the bins outside and tripped on the way back."

The lie came surprisingly easy.

He ripped open a packet of crisps and shovelled them into his mouth, while looking at your pale face and the shaking glass of water in your hand.

There was no sign that he cared about your state, he just stayed a few feet away from you, no intention of greeting you like anyone else would greet their partner.

"Are you gonna clean it up then?", he asked, chewing.

You raised your brows and held up your bandaged hand.

"I can't even stand up properly right now and my hand really hurts...", you stated blankly.

"But you're not dead, are you?"

You mouthed a 'wow', not knowing what to reply to that.

You shook your head and forced yourself to stand up, taking a deep breath before deciding that his comment would not ruin the evening you had planned for him, because even after what he said, you still were happy he was back.

And you wanted all of him back, more than just his physical presence.

The only thing you had to do was suck up his snappy behaviour, he had a long trip after all, full of demands, meetings and annoying people, phone calls with no end in sight. That always took a toll on him.

Standing was okay when the blood started flowing through your veins properly again, and so was walking. You quickly made your way to clean up the shards, so it was over and done with.

From the living room, you could hear a basketball game blaring through the speakers.

You didn't care about basketball that much, but you could hear the announcer yell about the teams. The US was up against your home country, and it made you nostalgic in a way.

You decided that you would ask your husband if he would want to visit it together, because after you moved to the States with him, you hadn't been home.

"That's a question for tomorrow", you mumbled to yourself.

After you discarded the sorry pieces of the container, smiling slightly at the thought of someone appreciating its former content, you dipped into the bathroom upstairs to take off the joggers and the shirt, changing them for a silken negligee.

Your hand was throbbing, but you ignored the pain as much as you could for the sake of tonight.

The red lace lingerie was just visible enough and would allure your husband, hopefully.

You tiptoed into the living room and sneaked up on him sitting on the sofa.

Gently, you snaked your arms around his shoulders, your hair tickling his face and tender fingers grazing over the skin under his dress shirt collar down to his chest.

The Masks in Your Life (Ghost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now