Father Knows Best

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I was like

Yeah! I can write one more-- *DIES* 😭

But anyway! Onto the chapter :D




"This is it!"

Faunus smiles giddily to himself as he tucks his small pots of paint inside his paint box, Pascal helping him setting his paint brushes inside with his tail.

"This is a very big day, Pascal. I can feel it," he continues with excitement clear in his voice, shutting the box lid as Pascal hops onto his forearm.

Faunus chuckles as he rises, looking down at Pascal. "I'm finally going to do it. I'm gonna ask him!"

Pascal climbs onto Faunus' shoulder, a grin on his face.


Faunus gasps as a familiar male voice calls to him from outside the tower, making him look to the window.

"Let down your hair!" Gothel continues in a sing song.

Faunus breathes out his mouth, shaking his hands to calm his nerves. "It's time!"

Pascal sits up straight with a stern expression, smiling and encouraging him to be brave.

"I know, I know," Faunus chuckles quietly, holding his hand up to the chameleon. "Come on, don't let him see you."

Faunus raises him to the painting, pulling the drapes over it as Pascal turns a dark shade of green to blend in with the tree.

"Faunus? I'm not getting any younger down here!"

Faunus runs to the window, peering down at his father, who was wearing his black cloak and hood with a basket at his feet and a basket strapped to his back.

"Coming, Father!"

He reassures, looping his hair over the window's hook above him. Taking a few steps back, Faunus bundles his hair up before tossing it out of the window. Gothel watches as it falls, catching the end and looping it around his hand before stepping onto the loop he created.

Gothel holds the basket securely as he was pulled up by Faunus, Faunus straining a bit as he pulls his hair back using the hook and his strength. Gothel glances around the area as he nears the window warily, nodding to himself before setting his foot on the window sill.

"Hi," Faunus pants lightly, grinning at the sight of his father. "Welcome home, Father."

Gothel exclaims a bit as he removes his hood, revealing his hair was graying a bit as he steps off the window sill inside. "Faunus, how you do that every single day without fail!"

He sets his basket down, voice dramatic as he approaches Faunus and sets a hand on his shoulder.

"It looks absolutely exhausting!" Gothel reaches out, brushing his hand over Faunus' hair as he mocks a pout, some wrinkles under his eyes.

Faunus lets out a short laugh, shaking his head and rubbing the back of his neck. "It's nothing, really!"

Gothel smirks, giving him a raised brow look. "Then I'm not sure why it takes you so long, if it's nothing."

Faunus' smile falls at this, Gothel snickering before rolling his eyes.

"Oh, come now, I'm just teasing! Geez," Gothel sighs in exasperation as he rolls his eyes, walking away.

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