The Kingdom Dance of Corona

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And these scenes are so sweet-- like the fact Eugene actually BUYS her stuff instead of stealing is so nice😭




Faunus approaches the great bridge of Corona with excitement practically radiating off of him, a bright smile on his face as he giddily turns and waves (Y/N) and Maximus to walk quicker as he turns and starts across the bridge.

(Y/N) smiles with a soft chuckle, her face falling when she notices a wanter poster with her hooded self over it. She reaches over, whistling a nonchalant tune as she crumples it up. She notices Maximus glaring sternly at her, (Y/N) quickly looking to Faunus before smirking as she stuffs the paper in his mouth.

Maximus spits the paper back at her, the paper smoothing over her face as Maximus whinnies a laugh. (Y/N) exclaims in disgust as she rips the paper off of her, shoving Maximus' face away. Maximus rears his head at her and hits her back, the two beginning to scrap as Maximus neighs in a rage.

A firm squeak makes them both pause, (Y/N) yanking at his mane and Maximus biting at her arm. Pascal, who was sitting on Faunus' head, growls and points at them in a scolding manner. (Y/N) releases Maximus and huffs as she crosses her arms over her chest, Maximus pouting as he straightens out.

(Y/N) elbows Maximus childishly, Maximus elbowing her back.


Faunus makes it across the bridge, swarms of people in the area as music and laughter fills his ears. He looks around in complete awe at the decorations hanging overhead, the small flags decorated with the symbol of Corona on them. There were also flower strings overhead, vendors and merchants all along the cobblestone roads selling different wares-- from fruits to small flags.

As Faunus takes a step forward, he jumps back in alarm when a goat pulling a cart flies past him. He bumps into a woman carrying a basket of bread, making him apologize quickly as he recoils from her and interrupts a line of geese passing by.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry--" he stammers quickly, bumping into a man before backing up and bumping into another.

He winces in pain as he was pulled back a bit, (Y/N) rushing across the bridge with Maximus in tow. (Y/N) scoops up Faunus' hair as she reaches the end, people moving out of her way as she pushes through them towards Faunus.

Faunus smiles in thanks as he gathers some of his hair as well, (Y/N) looking down at it with a thoughtful look.

"Why did I not think this would be a problem?" she murmurs with a shake of her head, pausing at the sight of four little girls braiding each others hair while sitting on the fountain.

(Y/N) whistles to gain their attention, the ginger girls looking over in question. (Y/N) smiles kindly while gesturing to Faunus' hair, nodding to them as Maximus and Faunus watch with confusion.

The girls all gasp in delight, their faces lighting up.


Faunus sits on his knees as the four girls work swiftly, all giggling happily as they braid his hair for him.

(Y/N) watches with a small smile as she leans her back against the wall, Pascal to her right and Maximus to her left. She yawns softly, glancing over her shoulder for a moment. She tenses and quickly looks forward as she keeps her head down, Maximus glaring at her with disapproval as some guards walk by.


(Y/N) looks up, Faunus' back to her as he looks over his shoulder with a sheepish grin.

"Do you like it?"

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