Trickery in the Night

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Before their lips could touch, (Y/N) notices a glowing green light. Her eyes dart past Faunus, her face falling at the sight of the Stabbington brothers standing on the dark shore, Bran carrying a green lantern. Bran sneers at the two, jerking his head to the side as an indication he wanted to talk.

(Y/N)'s face hardens at this as she pulls back from Faunus, her gut twisting anxiously as she watches the two walk along the shore, disappearing behind a cluster of tall boulders.

Faunus' eyes open in question, noticing her tense posture and narrowed eyes as she looks past him.

"Are... you all right?" he gently asks, glancing over his shoulder and spotting nothing.

"I..." (Y/N) quickly looks back to Faunus, snapping out of her thoughts. "Oh-- um... maybe. I, uh... I just..."

(Y/N) looks down at her satchel next to Faunus, her eyes darting around rapidly in deep thought. She looks back to Faunus, who was watching her with a concerned frown.



(Y/N) vaults over the side of the boat, landing on the shore before grunting softly as she tugs the boat onto the land to make sure it didn't float away.

"I'm really sorry. Everything will be fine," (Y/N) speaks quickly, reaching in the boat and grabbing her satchel. "I... I just need to take care of something."

Faunus looks up at her from inside the boat, his eyes flicking anxiously to the satchel before he forces a smile, nodding.

"Okay," he responds in a light tone, nodding.

"I promise, I'll be right back," (Y/N) gently says as she starts backing away, smiling reassuringly.

(Y/N) turns and walks down the shore, her boots softly crunching the rocks beneath them.

Faunus watches her both longingly and anxiously, holding the side of the boat tightly as he sighs quietly. Pascal climbs onto his shoulder, squeaking lightly as (Y/N) disappears behind the boulders.

"It's all right, Pascal," Faunus soothingly says, his eyes darting down to him as he smiles.



Bran sits on a rock in front of a small ship, using his dagger to sharp a stick. (Y/N) peers around the boulder at him, sighing deeply to steel herself as her expression becomes stern while she approaches.

"Listen, before anything else happens," she starts, her voice firm as she comes to a stop a good distance from Bran. "I want nothing to do with you and your brother. I said it before and I'll say it again, I've done more than enough to pay my debt to you."

Bran slices his knife along the stick, side eyeing (Y/N) with an arched brow.

"If this gets you off my back," (Y/N) holds up the satchel, scowling. "Then fine!"

She throws the satchel at Bran, the satchel falling on the ground. The flap opens, the crown sliding out a bit.

"Take it! But leave me alone. We... are finished."

(Y/N) turns with a huff, gasping when she nearly collides with Rhett, who was standing behind her blocking the way back. Rhett glared down at her, silent as always.

"We're not finished here. Not yet," Bran speaks lowly, his tone musing as he slices along the stick.

"What?" (Y/N) demands, turning to him.

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