The Reluctant Thief

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Hi lovelies ❤️

How are you doing today? I hope you're doing well!

So! Before the chapter starts, here's the outfit I came up with for Y/N!

(NVM I dont have the image anymore-- Imagine your own outfit! But when I am writing, I do describe it based off of this to help me I think--)

None of these images are mine! And of course, you can always imagine yourself wearing something else! But when I do describe your clothing it'll be based off this layout ❤️ so, dark brown dress with black leggings underneath, black boots, and a dark green cape with a hood!

Also-- I'm not sure if they gave names to the Stabbington brothers... so... Let's call the one with the eyepatch Rhett and the one with the sideburns Bran ¯\_()_/¯ If they do have names... ehhh... I like mine better LOL

Anyway, onto the chapter!




A figure wearing a dark, forrest green cloak slides down the side of a slanted roof, landing safely on the ledge around another building. She adjusts the leather satchel on her shoulder, a dagger strapped to her thigh in a sheath. Two men, the Stabbington brothers, Bran and Rhett, slide after her, quickly following her as she continues forward. Rhett carried a bundle of rope around his shoulder, a sword on his hip, while his brother, Bran, had a sword strapped to his back, and a sword at his side.

(Y/N) carefully leaps over the rooftops, jumping onto a fireplace and balancing on the sides before leaping towards a ledge, grabbing hold of it and pulling herself up as the brothers follow her.

She pulls herself onto the rooftop, running across the support beam before jumping onto one of the wings of the palace, a guard below not noticing the three figures as they continue on.

"So..." (Y/N) starts, looking over the kingdom of Corona below with some awe before turning to the two. "What exactly are you going for, here? Because, uh... gotta say, love the view, but I'm not a fan of this. Robbing the palace is... pretty stupid, even for you two."

Bran grunts as he yanks open a hatch door, smirking. "The jeweled crown of the prince."

(Y/N)'s face falls, her eyes widening. "What?"

"(L/N), come on!" he hisses impatiently, waving her over as she looks from the trap door to him.

"Nuh... uh, you're joking, right?" (Y/N) demands in disbelief, blinking rapidly as she forces a laugh. "Ha! That's a good one, didn't think you had a single funny bone in you, Bran. Really, what are we after? A painting? A statue? Got to say, lifting statues isn't really my thing."

Bran and Rhett only stare at her blankly in response, her smile wiped away instantly when she realizes they weren't kidding.

"Are you serious?! The crown?!" she sharply whispers, shaking her head. "There are plenty of other items in this palace that are worth a hefty sum that wouldn't have the entire Corona guards after us!"

"They're already after us," Bran firmly responds with a menacing glare, shutting the hatch as he walks towards her. "And this crown is worth more than anything in there."

(Y/N) looks away, shaking her head as she scoffs.

"You owe us, (L/N). A thousand gold, remember?"

(Y/N) sighs roughly under her breath in irritation. "Okay, I'm really tired of you holding that over me. I've already stolen more than that for you two incompetent, lazy, lowlifes, and you know it! I'm out of here. Get the crown yourself, if you want it!"

She turns to march off, an aggressive hand on her shoulder stopping her. (Y/N) grabs her dagger and swiftly unsheathes it as she spins around, aiming it at Bran's face as his hands come up in a calming motion.

"I'll tell you what," Bran speaks calmly, a musing smile on his face. "You do this job for us, I'll consider the debt paid... and we'll even cut you a piece of the profit."

(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrow a bit at his words.

"Bran!" Rhett hisses from his spot by the trapdoor, Bran not acknowledging him.

(Y/N)'s eyes flick towards Rhett before she looks back to Bran, scowling. "Liar."

"I'm not," he shakes his head, shrugging a shoulder. "Come on, (L/N). After this, we'll all walk away rich enough to buy our own castles. Isn't that what you've been wanting?"

(Y/N) scoffs as she lowers her dagger in a swift motion, rolling her eyes as she bitterly mumbles. "I don't want anything in life. I just want to live."

She sheathes her dagger, shaking her head as she looks down in deep thought.

"So... my debt will be paid... you'll be off my back, and I'll be rich enough to never worry again?"

"Yes," Bran smirks, revealing his crooked, rotting teeth. "Thieves honor."

(Y/N) looks up at him for a moment, expression unreadable as she slowly nods.

"All right. Deal."



(Y/N) breathes as quiet as she could she was lowered into the courtroom with the rope, the king and queen's throne empty and a pedestal with the prince's crown just beneath her.

Dozens of guards stood tall in front of the steps leading to the pedestal, Each wielding a halberd and wearing the golden armor of Corona. (Y/N) looks down at the crown before smirking deviously, her eyes flicking up towards the Stabbington brother silhouettes above.


A guard sniffles before he sneezes, shaking his head as he squeezes his watery eyes shut.

"Man, that hay fever is a killer, am I right?"

The guard nods as he glances back. "Yeah."

(Y/N) was still hanging, holding the her satchel up in an obvious manner as she smiles at the guard, though her face was hidden under the hood.

The guard faces forward.


His face pales, eyes widening as his head snaps to look back, (Y/N) gone. He looks up, spotting the figure peering down at them.

"W--Wait!" the guard stammers frantically, realizing she stole the crown as the other guards crowd around him, looking up as well. "Hey, wait!



"So, about that castle! I want mine to be (F/C)!" (Y/N) yells in-between breaths, her satchel's strap held tightly in her hand as she runs in front of the two brothers. "What would you two do without me?! Man, you really are helpless!"

"Shut up, and run!" Bran barks back, looking behind them as they run across the great bridge leading out of Corona.

"Oh-ho! Tell me to shut up again! Do it, I dare you! I will throw this satchel off the bridge so fast!" (Y/N) threatens, swinging the satchel towards the edge of the bridge.

Bran and Rhett both exclaim in alarm, (Y/N) laughing as she slides the satchel over her shoulder.

"The power I wield with this thing! Oh, this is a very big day, gentlemen! Definitely one to remember! Trust me, I can feel it!" (Y/N) smirks to herself as she looks into the woods, glancing back over her shoulder towards the kingdom for a moment.





This chapter was short


I don't know, I think I'm just too used to the 9,000 word ones I'd write for The Walking Dead

I'm not over it-- 😭😭😭

Thanks so much for reading my loves! There may or may not be oneeee more chapter tonight, it's pretty late so I'm not sure! If it is tomorrow, until then! ❤️❤️

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