🎶 Holding You Down (Goin' in Circles) x Jazmine Sullivan 🎶

Why I'm so confused for you I have no answer boy when I feel so used by you just like a toy...

February 15th, 2020

"Tyrone please stop!" Omarosa struggled to get out of her husband's hold

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"Tyrone please stop!" Omarosa struggled to get out of her husband's hold. He had her pinned against the wall feet off the floor. She felt the pressure of his squeeze on her bones.

"No bitch cause you think I'm playing with you!" He leaned his head back head butting Omarosa causing her to bite on her lip splitting it open. "You always gettin' fuckin' smart with me you stupid hoe. I don't like that shit. When I call you fuckin' answer me! I don't care if you were sleepin!" He let her go and she hit the floor in the hallway before walking downstairs. He looked back at her and laughed at her cowering in pain leaving out the house.

Once she heard the car pull off she buried her head into her hands and screamed at the top of her lungs into it. Her entire body hurt. She picked herself up and walked into the bathroom looking in the mirror at herself. Her cheek was red. She touched her busted lip but quickly drew her hand back grimacing at the pain. She looked at her arms seeing light bruising. She slowly walked over to the shower turning it on to its highest temperature. She peeked her head in the bedroom checking to see if her daughter is still sleeping peacefully on the bed after all that and she was. She stripped out of her oversized T-shirt and underwear stepping in the shower. She slide down the back wall letting the water hit her aching body.

She let the tears fall. How did she get here? How could she allow herself to be this weak? Her mom would be so hurt and upset that she ended up in the same predicament as her.

Omarosa had it tough from the beginning. Omarosa was born in post war Haiti to an older mother and father who already had two older boys, OJ who was 13 and Oscar who was 9. Her father never let her forget she was a mistake and he didn't want girls. "They are little bitches." He would say all the time. She can't remember when they ever had a conversation, they ever did anything together or even when he just told her I love you.

Her mother never worked or gained any life skills other than being a housewife and mother. Her father brought home enough to pay bills and feed his alcoholism. After working all day and drinking all night he would come home and beat on her mother until he was tired. That drove her brothers to leave when they each turned 18 to join the Haitian military because if they would try and intervene it would just get worse for their mother. Omarosa never understood why her mother stayed until she got older. A provider.

When she was 15 her mom was beat to death by her father and her father was sent to prison. This all happened in front of Omarosa. She was put in an orphanage in Haiti which is not ethically ran so she fought off perverts, pimps, mean girls, you name it she has encountered it and managed to survive. Her brothers were nowhere to be found to take her in. Omarosa knew her only ways out was militarily or college so she maintained her grades so she could go to school in America. She came to America when she was 18 to go to culinary school in New York all while navigating being in a whole new country by herself. She found a small Haitian community in Queens and started going to church where she would see a boy. After seeing him for two years he had enough courage to ask her out.

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