The Honey Trees

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A/N: Please check out the music because I am so in love with this song!

This chapter is dedicated to mommybooboo98 & EpicElejah because the things that you guys say make me so emotional and makes me cry every time. Thank you for being such amazing readers and wonderful girls! :)

4 Months Later:

The last four months have been pretty hard. I've mostly been spending my days sleeping from all the energy the babies take from me. I'm going into labor any day now and I'm still deciding where to have the twins. I for one want to stay here at the lake house, but Klaus begs to differ. He wants to go back to our home in New Orleans.

Marcel has been going back and forth from here to New Orleans, just to check up on the Quarter and the vampires. Hayley and Rebekah have been wonderful with my. . . condition.

Right now I'm totally bedridden, demanded by Klaus himself of course. He even tried to have his hybrids follow me around for awhile, but I easily disposed of them, literally. He was so pissed and I couldn't stop laughing at how mad he was when he found their body parts scattered around the backyard.

My morning sickness has dolled down a lot, thank god. But I don't belong here anymore. No matter how things are, I need to go back to New Orleans. That's where I was to raise my children.

"Klaus!" I yell from up stairs. He walks out so that I can see him looking aggravated. "You do know that I could hear you if you were to whisper right love?" He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes, "yeah yeah yeah whatever. Look pack your bags, were going home." I inform him then walk away.~

Two days later:

I couldn't help the smile that was spread across my face. Though I felt like crap in heels, it felt good to be back home. Klaus, Elijah, and Marcellus all sped past me bringing luggage into the house from our cars. The house smelled of Cabernet combined with a mix of China rain.

"There was a lightening storm a few days ago, so you chose a good time to come back Anna." Marcel informs me as he comes in with three more suitcases in hand. I nod in understanding, "Any harm done?" I asked feeling concerned.

He shakes his head, "A flew basement floods, but no civilians were reported being hurt whatsoever." I smiled in satisfaction. "Good. I'm gonna go steal a few hours of sleep, I'll see you guys later than."

Marcel and Rebekah kiss me goodnight and I go up to my bedroom. After taking a quick shower and slipping into a thin baby blue night shirt that barely covered my arse, I was climbed into bed, but there was a knock at the door. "Come in." In comes Klaus looking cool as a cucumber, I always wanted to use that phrase.

I frown with an amusing smile on my face. "Why do you knock? This is your room just as much as it is mine." I respond calmly as I rub my legs with natural coconut oil. He just continues to stand in the doorway and smiles lightly at me. "Come with me, I want to show you something love." He says extending his toned arm out for me. "Show me what?" I asked feeling confused.

"Don't you trust me?" He responds with that devilish smirk of his. I walk over to him and take his hand with a smile. I leaned in and kissed him. "With my life." I finally answer after breaking the contact.

He guides me over to the room to the left of ours which is one of the nurseries. When the door opens I can't help but to gasp. I turn to Klaus in complete awe! "You finished it." Klaus had finished the nursery, it was made for a girl.

The evergreen wooden crib was made into a circle shape form. There was no mobil, but a mini hammock that hung gracefully above in perfect view. There was a (faux) tree on the side and leaves that draped down over the crib. The room was painted sweetheart pink, by Klaus of course, I could spot his brush work anywhere. And there were tiny fairy designs in random spots.

"I can't believe you did this." I whisper as I brush my fingers across the base of the beautiful crib. It seemed like Klaus read my mind because before I could ask he grabbed my hand and led me to the room next door, which was to be the second nursery. Again I couldn't restrain the joyful gasp I released at the sight of the room.

This one was made for a boy of course. Though it wasn't painted blue as most humans would do. The crib was a light shade of caramel colored (wood), and the walls were painted the color of old oak. It was simple, yet so much like... Klaus. There was even a little horse in the corner of the room. I smiled at the thought of a house full of children, a mini Klaus and a mini me.

Klaus comes over to stand by me and smiles down at me. Like I said before, I am extremely short compared to the others, almost at the same height as Devina, just a bit taller. Oh speaking of Devina!

"Nik, I almost forgot. We must send for Devina, so that she is present for the birth of the twins." He chuckles. "Already handled, darling. Marcel is leaving come early morning to acquire the witch from Hogwarts." I giggle at his nickname for Devina's high school.

With a quick nod I sigh in relief. A year ago we sent Devina off to a school where she could develop her powers. I knew plenty of witches who went there and all turned out great. She requested to comeback for a year because she was homesick and I agreed. But I wished to keep my pregnancy a secret until she arrived.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of water hitting the floor. "Did someone spill something?" I ask looking around. I turn to see Klaus looking at me in shock. "Uh Nik, what's- AHHHH!" I scream after feeling the worse pain I've ever experienced in my life. I cringe and see the wetness on the floor below me.

"Oh no... My water broke..."

Until My Last Breaтн ※ A Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story ※ #2Where stories live. Discover now