Turning Pages

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"I'll be fine! I'll be fine! Will you three stop touching me?! I'm not a porcelain doll!" I said as I childishly smacked Marcel, Klaus, and Rebekah's hands from helping me regain my strength.

I don't know what happened. One minute I'm kissing Klaus...then out of nowhere I just feel every ounce of energy drain out of me like an atomic vacuum. It was scary honestly, I hadn't felt my powers leave my body that quickly since Papa Tunde. And even then it was a much slower process. I probably was just working too hard or eating too much. Trust me I ate like a cow, that had just had on a seven week cleanse and the last three days were her cheat days.

"Your obviously not fine, you've been acting strange all week." Rebekah said after helping me into bed.

"No I haven't, I've just been.... *sighs heavily* okay maybe I have been a little off lately. But it's seriously not that big a deal!"

"It is! You haven't fainted since you were... Well human! Were taking you to the hospital!" Rebekah yelled as she tried to crane me out of bed.

"Uh I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right here thank you very much! I'm an Original hybrid for Christ sakes, there's no way in hell I'm sick!" I yelled back, but it only made me woozy again.

"Unless Klaus bit you." Marcel added simply.

We all turned slowly and eyed Klaus with a lifted eyebrow. He put his hands up as an act of surrender. "Hey don't look at me, I didn't do anything. But as badly as I hate to admit it, Rebekah's right your going to the hospital." Klaus demanded.

"UUUGGGHHHH! I swear to god you people are gonna drive me to drink!"


Klaus and I were in the doctor's office waiting for my blood test results. I was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed with Klaus standing next to me. Marcel and Rebekah were in the waiting room together. I sighed heavily.

"I don't want to be here."

"That's fine darling, but it's not really up to you now is it?"

"What have I to fear? I'm an a Original now. Which means that there's about a 0-0% chance that I'm ill."

"If I were to bite you you'd be sick for hours, which means that you are in fact not prone to every virus nor infection! Therefore, end of discussion." Klaus stated protectively.

I pouted and slouched my shoulders like a child, "You guys are such meanies." Klaus made a deep chuckle and kissed my forehead.

"Cheer up love, we'll be home in no time." He stated rubbing my back.

After a few minutes I smelled hospital soap from down the hall meaning the doctor was coming. The Doctor came in with a bright smile. That must mean I was right, as usual, I was completely fine.

"Hello I'm Dr.White." She said shakng both Klaus and I hand. She looked down at the clipboard in her hand and flip through the pages before finally looking back up at us with yet another smile.

"So?" Klaus asks sounding impatient. I hit his side signalling for him to "hush." I tell him telepathically.

"Well it looks like you two better start painting." She said excitedly.

"What the hell is she talking about? Doesn't everyone know I'm not good with riddles? Do you have any idea what she's saying?" I asked Klaus telepathically.

"To be honest, I'm not quite sure myself, Love." He responded back mentally.

This time Klaus spoke, "I'm sorry Dr., but I'm not sure we quite understand your...reference." I held back a giggle at Nik's choice of words.

She smiled again, "What I mean Mr and Mrs. Mikaelson is that Annabelle is approximately ten weeks pregnant."

"I'm afraid that's impossible. I-I-we can't have children." I said shaking my head and gesturing to Klaus and I.

"Well all I can say is that miracles work in mysterious ways. There's hundreds of thousands of women and couples who wish they could bear a child yet alone twins. I guess you two are one of the lucky ones." She stated with a warm smile.

I nodded in understanding, "Woah wait a minute! TWINS?!" I asked loudly after actually registering what she had said.

"You caught that didn't you?" She says smirking.

"We'll be able to tell the sex within two weeks time, if you'd like."

I sat there in complete astonishment. Klaus still had his hand on my back. He hadn't said anything, I wondered how he was feeling right now. Probably just as shocked as me.

"Excuse me doctor, but could we just have a moment alone?" I asked getting up from the bed.

"Of course, take all the time you need." She said shaking my hand once more and leaving.

I got up and walked to the window while hugging my arms. "Are you gonna do it? I don't think I can bare to be disappointed." I asked Klaus.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His head rested on my shoulder as I nestled mine closer to his. I felt his shoulders tense as he started to concentrate.

I felt his shoulders tense up and that's when I knew. It must of been true than. I closed my eyes in anticipation and made myself concentrate on my stomach.

*boom boop boom boop boom boop boom boop* It was two faint heartbeats. I could hear a heart beat! Oh god! We're gonna have twins. I turned around in Klaus's arms and was greeted with a warm embrace.

"This is our children. We'll be great at this, trust me." Klaus whispered in my ear. A tear fell from my eye, he placed a soft kiss on my lips and gently wiped my cheek.

We left the hospital with Rebekah and Marcel. They continued to beg us to tell them what the doctor said, but I wanted to tease them a little.

"I told you already your just gonna have to wait until dinner." I said while Klaus drove my car. The entire ride back home he held my hand in his as I was in deep thought.

* * *

Song: Sleeping at Last - Turning Pages

Until My Last Breaтн ※ A Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story ※ #2Where stories live. Discover now