I Have a Bad Feeling

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Hello Love, so someone commented on my book about my character Annabelle. Which reminded me that I had to change her, so I did! I hope you guys like my choice! Enjoy :)

2 Months Later:

I'm not sure where the hell to begin on what's been going on since I announced my pregnancy. Okay let's see how I can sum it up.

Haley moved into Elijah's room. She's really sweet, strong, courageous and we get along pretty well, but for some reason I just don't want to be close to her. I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm pregnant or maybe because I had an affair with Elijah a year before they met. Apparently they met in Cabo while Elijah was on his sabbatical, blah blah blah I don't really give a damn.

Next, everyone's been treating me like I'm some porcelain doll, who can't do anything for herself. I mean their all on my case 24/7 now, like I would ever put my children in danger. The only one who still treats me like I'm still me is cute little Diego.

Oh and did I mention that I'm no longer a vampire. Ok maybe that was a little exaggerated. Sooo, apparently my body has to be compatible with the babies and they're taking A LOT of my energy, meaning that basically I'm human and defenceless. I mean I don't even like the taste of blood that much anymore, and I'm about as strong as a teenage human. Also, morning sickness is a total Bitch!

And I've eaten so many pickles and oranges, I could probably build an internal farm. I'm also opening up my own Flower shop and Arts Center. I'm going to be teaching Art skills and The Art of Music. But, due to my pregnancy Klaus has to go around the country to handle most of my business...for now.

At least I still have my magic, but even that has been acting all wonky lately since I'm pregnant with the "Miracle Twins" as Rebekah would call them.

Ugghhhh I just need to get away. So I decided to go shopping. And I swear if one more person touches my belly, I'm going to kill all of New Orleans, and have a bloody tea party!

* * *

I snuck out of the house with only my purse in hand about six hours ago. Why did I decide to be gone for so long, when I knew I didn't have enough energy? It was hot as hell in New Orleans this week and I had about fifty bags full of maternity clothes and cute matching outfits.

Next week Nik and I are going back to the doctors for the third time to figure out the sex of the twins. I'm hoping for two girls of course or maybe a girl and a boy. As long as I get at least one girl I'm coolio. Klaus and I agreed that if we had boys he got to name one of them and I the other.

I walk out of the boutique and place the bags into my Aston Martin One-77. Yeah, did I mention that Nik got me a new car as an early birthday present, which isn't for another two weeks. But I love it either way.

I pull into the garage about five minutes later and can already sense that someone is home, I just don't know who because my enhanced senses have decreased. I grab all the bags that I can with my aching feet and proceed into the house towards the nurseries to put up the clothes. I go downstairs again for another pile of bags and I'm greeted by..."Elijah." I say with a bright smile.

He walks over to me slowly and I hesitate and step back a little when he reaches for my bags. "You're pregnant. You shouldn't have to carry such heavy belongings." I scoff in amusement.

"I am not incompetent. I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own purchases Eli." I respond with a smirk as we make our way up the stairs. He makes a deep chuckle shaking his head at me.

It's silent in our off-white nursery. Nik and I said that we would paint the two nurseries once we knew the sex of the babies, and I still have six months to go. So there was no rush. And though that was the situation, I've been having this really horrid feeling in my gut that something's wrong. That someone's coming, and watching us. Someone strong. Someone I hate.

But that was simply impossible. I thought to myself. There were only two people that I ever hated with a burning passion, both of whom are dead and will be forever. Mikael I killed last year, who was destroyed when the Other Side was. And.... of course it was her as well. The woman who raised me. But if I was raised by her teachings I would be just as broken as Klaus and just as heartless as Mikael. I guess if by law and blood....you would call her my mother.

Elijah must've noticed me frowning in deep thought, because he stopped helping me put up clothes and grabbed my hands. "Elijah what are you-" I tried to protest, but before I knew it I was in Elijah's sweet embrace. He held onto me for dear life, but made sure to be gentle because of the Twins. It was nice to be in Elijah's good graces once again.

"To say that I missed you, is an understatement." I say softly into his ear as he holds me. I notice his grip on me tighten very slightly, but he thinks that I don't notice his little tell-tell signs. I've always noticed things like that with certain people such as Rebekah, Elijah, Marcel, Kol, and of course Klaus most of all. Kol use to call me "Poker Face" because I could always read peoples hidden meanings that they hid with a expressionless countenance.

"You have no idea." Elijah whispered softly in my ear. I slowly pulled away and gave him a slight smile. I started to help hang some more clothes, but half way through I noticed my hand start to shake violently. The wooden hanger I held in my hand dropped to the floor with a hard thud which alarmed Elijah as he turned around with a concerned countenance.

"Anna what-"

My throat felt tight and there was a sharp pain in my stomach that felt as if I had been daggered. I clutched my tummy fearing not my own life, but the babies'.

"Elijah...I can't...breath." I wheezed as I grasped my throat for oxygen. My vision became blurred quicker than I expected as I dropped to my knees still trying for air. Elijah immediately reacted without thinking and caught me as my body collapsed and everything became nothing.

Until My Last Breaтн ※ A Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story ※ #2Where stories live. Discover now