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The kitchen is done. New paint, new cabinets, shiny tile flooring, new sink, and a sleek countertop. Now, Tig just needs to replace the wobbling dining table and the room would be complete. He shakes his head at the thought of doing something as domestic as remodeling, but Tig felt like he accomplished something that had a beautiful turnout.

Tig's thoughts were interrupted by the shrill ringing of his cell phone. Juice's name pops up, "Hey, Tig. I got a bit more info on Stiles. I'll drop by later." Tig sighs, "Anything I should worry about?" "No. Just the video footage from a Lacrosse game where he decimates his opponents. For a scrawny kid, he packs a punch," Juice laughs. Tig joins him, "Thanks, Juice. I'll take a look when you bring it by." Hanging up, Tig grabs a beer and sits at the table. He thinks about Stiles and wants to meet the kid and decides he will after he tells the club about Stiles.

Juice showed up and played the video. Tig sees what he meant, "Damn, Stiles put that kid on his ass." Tig wonders if Stiles inherited Tig's tendency for violence. Juice responds, "Well, Lacrosse is a violent game. I just thought you would want to see him doing some normal high school shit." They continued to watch the game, cheering when Beacon Hills won. Stiles' best friend making the winning shot.

Soon, Juice goes home, leaving the footage with Tig. He watches it again, paying close attention to Stiles. At one-point Tig pauses the video, "What the fuck?" It was only a side profile of Stiles, but Tig could swear the kid's eyes were glowing. Or maybe Tig was tired, and he was seeing things. He unpauses the video and watches the rest of the match. Until the last 10 seconds when he sees the eyes of Stiles' best friend. They were also glowing. Tig went on to convince himself that it was just the lighting, and his eyes were playing tricks on him.

The club was holding Church a few nights later to discuss a new avenue for making money; drug running. Something the club has never done since it puts a bigger target on their backs with the DEA as well as the ATF. The vote passes to run the drugs with the guns.

Before Church concludes for the night, Tig takes the floor, "You all know I was redoing my kitchen. Well, during the demolition, I found a letter from Claudia. It was dated Feb 2004. Nine years after we had thought she died. She had woken up in a hospital with no memory, she eventually got it back and that's when she wrote the letter."

The table could see he was fidgeting. Clay was ready to get out to the bar, so he signaled for Tig to continue. "When she disappeared, she was pregnant with my son. She wrote that she was happy with her new life and husband." Clay, Chibs, Piney, and Jax all cursed and were getting upset on Tig's behalf. Tig shakes his head, "I don't blame her. She wrote to inform me about my son, but also that she really was dying. Frontotemporal Dementia. Her brain was slowly shutting down, pretty much."

Tig leans back in his seat, "When things have calmed a bit, I'd like to take a ride up to Beacon Hills to meet him." The table had nothing to say about that. What can they say? Piney asks, "What's his name?" "Mieczysław Stilinski, but he goes by Stiles," Tig had pronounced his son's name correctly after practicing multiple times. "Anything you can tell us about the kid?" Clay asked. "He's incredibly smart, hyperactive, on the high school Lacrosse team, and his adopted dad is the current sheriff." The table threw their hands, "Awe, shit!" Tig sighed, "Yeah, that's what I said. At least he can't get into too much trouble, right?"

Boy, will the Club be surprised when they meet the kid. Church concluded afterwards; Clay told Tig he could plan the ride to Beacon Hills in a month. That should give the club members riding with Tig time to get their shit together for the ride. Tig still feels like a weight is on his shoulders, he still has to tell Gemma.

Gemma was at the bar talking to Jax when Tig approached them. Jax knows what Tig is going to do so he steps away to order a round of shots and let Tig talk to Gemma. "Hey, Gemma?" Tig gets her attention. "Tig? How are you? You finished the kitchen?" Gemma greets one of the few people she truly gets along with. "Yeah, I did. It turned out good, I think. Listen, Gemma, in about a month some of us are going to take a ride up to Beacon Hills," Tig pauses for a moment. "What kind of ride?" Gemma crosses her arms. Tig tries to clear the lump in his throat, "To meet my son."

Before Gemma could bite his head off, Tig explains the letter he found during demolition of the kitchen. She is shocked and hurt that Claudia didn't contact her or Tig. Gemma understood her reasoning. She, herself, sometimes wishes she could leave the club life, but those instances are few and far between. When Tig is done explaining, Gemma states, "I'll follow in the SUV. I want to meet the kid. See if he takes after his daddy." Gemma teases Tig. He knew Gemma would want to go but was still shocked when she said it out loud.

The club spent the next couple of hours drinking and betting on the fights held in the club's boxing ring. Normally Tig would get a round in or two but has a tendency of almost killing his opponent. So, he just observes and places bets. Tig also kept going back to what he saw on the video. The glowing eyes, Stiles' agility, the hits he took and gave, and the fact the kid didn't even seem winded after the game. To get his mind off Stiles, Tig picks up a Crow Eater or two to end the night.

AN: Short chapter, very short. Tig saw some things but didn't believe them. The club knows about Stiles and soon they will meet. This story will be Teen Wolf heavy until later.

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